Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Models 231 and protection of health and safety at work - Diritto24 - Il Sole 24 Ore

Into The liability for offenses of bodies pursuant to Legislative Decree no. n. 231/2001 for health and safety at work has greatly expanded the number of companies involved raising some concern, due to the harsh economic sanctions and disqualification. The prevention of predicate offenses committed by persons who are in a functional relationship with the entity, in its own interest or advantage, also takes place through the adoption of models of organization, management and control.

Into Our country, for some years has been an active route to counter the social evil of accidents at work and occupational diseases. One of the responses of the system of welfare Italian has been to strengthen the institutions responsible for health and safety in the workplace, such as the INAIL which published its guidelines. The extension of the administrative liability of entities Legislative Decree no. N. 231/2001 for health and safety at work has greatly expanded the number of companies involved raising some concern, due to the harsh economic sanctions and disqualification. The prevention of predicate offenses committed by persons who are in a functional relationship with the entity, in its own interest or advantage, also takes place through the adoption of models of organization, management and control. An increasing number of calls for entrepreneurs to consider the possibility to introduce, maintain efficiency and, at times, certify, systems for managing health and safety at work: almost 7000 companies today are certified. The supervisory body is crucial for a model of organization and management and indispensable because the entity recognized the effectiveness exempting see. The topics of the monograph, written by Antonio Terracina (INAIL-CONTARP-DG), the report is held on the subject of relationships and interactions between the “Model 231″ and the model ex art. 30 Legislative Decree no. N. 81/2008 complies with UNI-INAIL or OHSAS 18001, at the Fifth Annual Conference on liability offense from the bodies, “Physiological and Pathological Aspects of the management model pursuant to Legislative Decree. N. 231/2001 “, organized in Rome by the law firm Coratella, February 22, 2013.

The arguments in summary

1. Introduction

2. The Leg. N. 231/2001 and the predicate offenses related to health and safety in the workplace

3. The prevention of offenses were through the organization

4. The model coded to prevent crimes related to health and safety at work

5. Instruments to support the implementation of an OHSMS / mog and their effectiveness

6. results and effectiveness of the adoption of a “OHSMS”


the front pages of Monograph: click here

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