Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tattoos: a laser to remove them without danger to health – Imprint Unika


repent of having done a tattoo is normal and you can go back, but the methods used triggered the investigation by the Ministry of salute.Sotto accusation products that promise the removal of tattoos without the use of laser.Secondo advice entrusted by the prosecutor Guariniello fact, the lactic acid based liquid injected under the skin for tattoo removal, although it is classified as a cosmetic can be extremely irritating to eyes and skin with risk of infection which can lead to epidermal granulomas.

The method uses a machine for micro pigmentation with which you make of microdermoabrasioni to remove tattoos. According to the opinion of the Ministry of Health an indication of cosmetic appliance does not comply with the rules, and does not fall under the definition of cosmetic product, as well as the injected solution.

The product is not labeled in Italian and liquid is labeled “corrosive” and “cause irritation to the skin,” and is therefore incompatible with the intended use of injecting the product in the epidermis. Pending the findings of the ministry has therefore banned the company marketing the product. The investigation by the Prosecutor’s game after an e-mail when a citizen reported the method.

The prosecutor of Turin has opened a file for violation of the Commercial Code in respect of medoto Skinial, born in Germany and marketed in Italy by a company in Turin, Build the Dream Street Montevecchio. Thanks to the reporting of a user, the police Nas have launched the first findings: The survey is coordinated by prosecutor Raffaele Guarinello, that the case has also affected the Ministry of Health which has been stuck on the market and use of the method, pending further investigations.

According to experts cream, inoculated into the skin with the tattoo machine, cause the necrotic tissue. Marketed as a cosmetic product, its application would be invasive in stark contrast to the European legislation.


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