will house operating rooms and emergency rooms, but there is no clarity on funding. Arise between street and Cherasco course Spezia, where there is now the St. Lazarus, and will have up to 450 places
SARA STRIPPOLI professionals will now have two months – initially there were four months but it was deemed necessary to accelerate – to present the new document. For this phase, the ASL will spend EUR 160 thousand (with a reduction of 20 percent compared to 200 thousand provided in the notice), resources found in a hoard of € 5 million allocated by previous administrations. Four of those millions have been spent instead of the current direction for the purchase of new equipment and health technologies deemed essential even in times of shortage of funds. The group that agreed to the terms of the competition consists of four professionals, Mr. Attilio Bastianini, already engaged in the design of the tower of the Region, the design expert healthcare, Milan, Maurizio Mauri, who has also worked for such groups as Humanitas, the Turin architect Julius Mondini and the lawyer of Mondovi, Pier Paolo Golinelli. From the project, said the Director General of Health City Angelo Del Favero, it is expected to have all the basic information about dimensions and volumes of the new surgical tower of 450 seats (where now stands the dermatological San Lazzaro) and emergency department of five thousand square meters designed course at the corner of La Spezia and Cherasco way: “The document must also contain the zoning variations to be requested Common – clarifies the general manager – You will have to check the environmental impact considering that we are in an area along the Po – explains the director – and we asked that there is a rough draft for the location of the medical tower, even if the first part Phase I is limited to surgical tower. ” A Maurizio Mauri which has a lot of experience in this field, says Del Favero, the task of directing the criteria for the interior of a hospital of the latest design: for example, where and how they should be placed in operating rooms. Immediately after the Epiphany, Del Favero will set a meeting with the commission to follow the project of the City of Health, a working group which met once per hour and in which members, in addition the Region, and the City University also: “Every step must be agreed with the University (at the table there are Gianmaria Ajani, the rector and the director of the school of medicine Ezio Ghigo) and the Municipality, where the game of the Health City was followed by the Councillor Stephen Lorusso’s planning. ” In April, we think it is possible to arrive at the conference services, followed by Del Favero, who will leave The simulation of a City project health made by the Association for the Development of Health of excellence in Turin the City of Health, the largest health center waiting for years by physicians and surgeons of the old St. John the Baptist, we started from scratch. Sent to board the ambitious masterplan dell’Aress that ran aground in the offices of the Ministry of Health, the tender for the construction of the project planivolumetrico tower surgical and emergency department, a first guidance document, preparatory to the final design was assigned in the last days of 2013 to the only group that responded to the invitation.
- Tags
- city health turin,
- hospitals turin,
- angel of favero
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