Monday, June 17, 2013

Bathing waters. Italian sea and lakes more and more "healthy." The ... - Daily Health


Lorenzin: “We are among the first in the EU for the quality of bathing water. In 2012, 96.6% of coastal waters is in compliance with the mandatory values, an increase of 4.7% over the previous year. ” This is the picture that emerged from the Report of the Ministry of Bathing Water 2012.

June 17 – It may not be always blue and transparent, but definitely the mare nostrum is clean. Indeed, to be more exact, it is always clean.
Are balenabili 96.6% of the Italian coast, an increase of 4.7% compared to 2011. But also improve the inland waters: you can bathe safely in 91.6% of lakes and rivers, an increase of 5.8% as compared to 2011.
It also improved the matter of compliance with the values total driving, which in 2011 had amounted to 82, 3%, while in 2012 it rose to 85, 1%. A result above the European average, which stops just below 80%.
Data that make Italy the largest beach in Europe, with 5,509 of 22,184 bathing sites on all European countries: about quarter of the total European waters. After Italy there are 3,332 sites with only France, Spain with 2,156 places for swimming, and Greece with about 2,155 sites.

This is the photograph of the sea italics, and not just , presented today in R ome by Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin, during a press conference on “Quality of bathing water in 2012.”
definitely flattering A framework which earned the praise of the minister “It’s a great result – he said – we’re practically the first in Europe for bathing waters and the status of inland waters. In 2012, 96.6% of coastal bathing waters in Italy is in conformity with the mandatory values, an increase of 4.7% over the previous year. A remarkable improvement equal to 6% in recent years and an important data to be transmitted not only to the citizens – he added – but to the millions of tourists from all over the world come to Italy for a holiday. “

An improvement made, clarified Lorenzin “by applying the measures of the new European directive of 2006, which requires a synergy with local communities and institutions, also involving the citizens.” And also thanks to two synergistic int erventions: “A greater attention to the area and the increase of shares, that will never be sufficient on the control of water and discharges: years of monitoring on treatment plants have produced the results we see.

And the path to the improvement does not stop there: the citizens thanks to a new application on mobile devices can, in fact, make the bathing area and any prohibition on bathing. In essence, emphasizes Lorenzin “will have all the information necessary for a” safe swimming “. In addition, thanks to the Internet portal of the ministry will monitor during the entire season water status. In addition, the citizens as well as access to detailed data will also report any malfunctions.
Short, always safer waters. Of course there is some small stain: With regard to coastal waters are 61 (1.3%), those not complying with the mandatory value for Eschierichia coli, compared to 21 in 2011, representing an increase of 0.9%. Only a bathing site (0.0%) was closed throughout the bathing season compared with 133 (2.7%) in 2011.
Regional framework. The regions that capture the full promotion are Emilia Romagna and Veneto (100% of the coasts h ave won excellence) followed by the Basilicata region with 96.67% of the waters which are excellent and the remaining 3.33% considered good or sufficient, the Puglia (with 94.51% of the coasts promoted) and Sardinia with 92.73% (only one small patch of coastline shot down 0.45%). Excellence conquer the 90.16% of the beaches of Tuscany, 0.55 was classified as poor.
Does not shine Lazio with a 63.14% of coastline in class excellent and a 24,45 considered among the and good enough, especially with 12.41% of the coasts insufficiently sampled or not sampled.
not beating instead blue flag beaches in all of Abruzzo: the 49,15% of its coastline is considered excellent, 35.6% good, but the 15,25% of its waters are very scarce. But the Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Calabria have some stain: There are percentages, although minimal, of coastline where the waters do not reach the sufficiency (respectively 6.86%, 3.51% and 1.54%) . Especially in Campania were off limits 5.43% water.

inland waters. The lakes are concentrated in 11 Italian regions, with Lombardy that is part of the lion with 17 bodies lake, followed by the province of Trento (16 sites). The palm for greater compliance of its lakes to the parameters of the law goes to the Veneto region with 98.63% in premium class, followed dall’Umbra with 95.24% and the province of Bolzano (92.31%). Does not shine instead of Lombardy: the 1, 8 water whole is decidedly poor and 0.45% have been closed, were insufficiently sampled or not sampled the 6.70% of inland waters.

“There has been a continuous improvement process – said Giuseppe Ruocco, Director General of the Ministry of Health prevention – in fact, it looks more and more like an integrated water management with a focus also to the wastewater. From the 2010 bathing season the regions, through the Harp, have started to monitor bathing waters according to the c riteria established by the new directive. We are still in a transitional phase, he added Ruocco, but at most in 2015 all bathing water must be regarded as sufficient. ” Otherwise closes without delay.
The World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) – added Ruocco – provides that, by 2026, 346 million tourists will visit annually locations of the Mediterranean Sea. ” And the overall impact of health-related infectious diseases bathing is’ estimated at 3 million years of healthy life lost without disabilities, equal to U.S. $ 12 billion. Most of the diseases are mild and self-limiting, reminiscent of the ministry, but they can also occur cases of a certain gravity. These dangers to human health should be assessed against the health benefits of bathing activities as’ healthy and exercise.

All information and an updated list of bathing waters and remediation measures are available on the site

June 17, 2013 class=”container_mail”> © All rights reserved

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