Summer is coming, and already there are fears the infamous test suit The breakfast bar is strictly no sugar, but … sweetened with artificial sweeteners.
Into Everywhere is one tick of bags and goccine, using sugar substitutes that with few or zero calories make the most drinkable coffee and the tea more pleasant. But these synthetic sweeteners can really be taken without risk for your health? Let’s do some ‘clarity.
Into Artificial sweeteners are virtually white sugar substitutes. They are now everywhere, in soft light, in some baked goods and practical formats pocket to wear comfortably the stock exchange.saccharin, aspartame, sucralose and acesulfame potassium are the names of major synthetic sweeteners that mimic the taste of sugar , but do not give empty calories and even energy. Their sole purpose is therefore make the drinks more enjoyable without making us fat.
Into The most dangerous seems to be aspartame and sucralose, considered to be carcinogenic, especially sucralose which is prepared by chlorination of sucrose and then using chlorine (carcinogen ).And aspartame? Indeed it seems causes mental retardation, brain tumors, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, diabetes and migraine .
Into Despite the health risks associated with the FDA , Food and Drug Administration, it seems to have approved this substance recognizing its potential for use as a food additive.
But what is aspartame? An article on “Safety Report” explains how aspartame actually derives from excrement of genetically modified bacteria , the Escherichia Coli. It ‘also composed aspartic acid to the extent of 40%, 50% phenylalanine and 10% methanol.
Into The article explained the potential risks dovuri ingestion of these components. Aspartic acid acts as a neurotransmitter and neuronal cells would lead to a super work such as to cause death.
Phenylalanine, that we find in many common products, is an amino acid which is already present in the brain, but in excessive amounts can lead to a decrease in serotonin levels and then with mood disorders and depression.
Methanol is an industrial solvent used in paints, as fuel and antifreeze.
Into But then what to use if we are on a diet and do not feel of “bitter drink “? alternatives to synthetic sweeteners are there and are much healthier. Try the agave juice, maple syrup or barley malt, or raw honey.
Into It is completely natural products that with few calories will give you a hint of sweetness without jeopardizing your health.Into The latest among the stevia sweeteners is , it seems to have zero calories and more sugar dolcifichi also seems devoid of side effects and much more natural than synthetic colleagues. Maybe, but honestly the flavor does not seem very nice
Sweeteners food? Same effect as cocaine
Suspicions about artificial sweeteners
Aspartame, sugar or Stevia rebaudiana
photos / GettyImages
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