Monday, June 24, 2013

Mandela, worse health conditions Daughter: "I just hope ... -

Video SHEET Mandela,
a life of struggle in the name of freedom
Into A note says that doctors “are doing everything possible” to ensure that the conditions of the leading anti-aparatheid, who is 94 years old, “improve”. At his bedside his wife Graça Machel

Nelson Mandela (Reuters)

Nelson Mandela (Reuters)

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Into Johannesburg, June 24, 2013 – The conditions of Nelson Mandela , the father of modern South Africa , have worsened and are now “become critical “. This was announced by Mac Maharaj, spokesman for President Jacob Zuma . Mandela is now hospitalized for 16 days for the resurgence of a serious lung infection. The leader of the struggle against apartheid is hospitalized since last June 8 at a hospital in Pretoria. At his bedside, in addition to President Zuma, his wife Graça Machel and Vice President of the ANC (the party of the late Mandela, the Government), Cyril Ramaphosa.

Into “As a daughter, I pray that the transition is sweet ” This is the hope expressed by Makaziwe Mandela, daughter of the hero of the struggle against apartheid. “He is at peace with himself, his daughter said on CNN, has given so much to the world. I think he’s at peace.” “We live day by day and pray to God,” he said Makaziwe. The daughter of the Nobel Prize for Peace has also pointed the finger at the “media circus.” “It ‘a father and a grandfather. We could not have him with us for most of our years. This is a sacred moment for us and I would expect that the world would leave us in peace . Give the space to be with my father is that these are his last moments with us or that there is still time. ” Before the South African President Mandela announce that the conditions had deteriorated, the daughter talked about his state of physical and mental health. ‘R 21;I have not stopped doctors to treat him with the best medicines in the world . Opens eyes again …”.
“In our culture, the culture Tembu – he added – will not let go off a person until this has not already asked my father so far has not done so. “

Into In a statement released yesterday evening we read that the doctors “are doing everything possible ” to ensure that the conditions of the leading anti-aparatheid, who is 94 years old, “improve” . The president’s office has announced that Madiba Zuma has visited in the hospital and that his condition has worsened in the last 24 hours. His lung problems date back tuberculosis that Mandela contracted in 1980 while he was in prison Robbem Island where he spent 27 years. In 1993 he won the Nobel Peace Prize with the last white president Frederik Willem de Klerk , which brought an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa. In 1994 he became the first black president-elect and resigned after 5 years. Since 2004 he retired from public life. From December was hospitalized 4 times in the hospital.

Into After a week of silence, yesterday the President had announced that t he conditions of the former president were “serious but stable”, forced perhaps a clarification to tow statements of the issuer Cbs , according to which his condition would have been much more serious than did shine through official press releases” . On the South African press have meanwhile emerged details on relief apparently late in the evening of admission: according to some media reports the ambulance that was carrying the former president would have failed and after 40 minutes before the arrival of another emergency vehicle.

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