Vittorelli as Abbot Benedict XVI:
health does not allow me to continue
The appointment of Abbot, such as the papacy, for life. Dom Pietro Vittorelli, 51, has had a heart attack a year ago
Dom Pietro Vittorelli
MONTECASSINO – In the wake of the historic decision of Pope Benedict XVI to leave the Abbot of Monte Cassino. The reason the same, health problems. Dom Pietro Vittorelli, 51, a medical degree, leaves the famous abbey in the province of Frosinone.
FEEL THE ONE YEAR AGO – He was in office from October 25, 2007. On June last year, the Abbot had had a sudden heart attack neurological disagreement with that forced him to a long hospitalization prior to the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, then in a clinic in Switzerland, where he was subjected to a difficult period of rehabilitation. His return to Monte Cassino, after six months, he was greeted with great affection by the whole monastic community and the diocese.
IntoIRREVOCABLE DECISION – Wednesday at noon the announcement of leaving his post in front of the same religious community in recent months, has always shown great neighborhood. The rumors of his abandonment, in fact, already been circulating for several days, but then had been denied by the communications department of the Diocese of Montecassino. At one year after the event that changed my life – said Dom Vittorelli talking in the Chapter House of the Abbey of Montecassino – I need to disclose my irrevocable decision to leave the post of Abbot Ordinary of the Diocese of Montecassino and to devote myself to full rehabilitation of the state of my health. I put in this time, all the effort in order not to miss guidance and service to this Church and Monastic Community. My health and the therapies that are required I do not allow me to continue on two fronts.
LONG REFLECTION – E ‘was a thoughtful decision to gaps weeks. After much reflection and prayer – added the Abbot of Monte Cassino – I seemed to be the best thing for the good of all. The Lord who fills his work there will leave unsupervised. I will take you with me, the time spent together – he continued – has deeply influenced my life. If you will have to make me a reproach, and yourself I have already done, what they’ve neglected my health too much for a dedication without measure, but I was happy not to spare me in anything. Will remain close to all with affection and prayer. I really hope that after a period of rest and care that awaits me, we can find ourselves brothers and friends as I have always considered and loved.
IntoSECOND TIME – Dom Vittorelli had the title of Arch-Abbot that it is for those who also holds other lesser monasteries that are headed by an abbey. The appointment of Abbot in life, but are expected to resign for reasons of health or age limits. It ‘s the second time that an abbot of Montecassino resigns. Previously, he left for reasons of age Msgr. Matranola Martino, who led the Abbey of Monte Cassino between the eighties and the beginning of the millennium on the nomination of John Paul II. Don Vittorelli had taken the place of Mgr. Bernardo D’Honorius remained for about twenty-five years at the helm of Montecassino, in turn, appointed Archbishop of Gaeta (Latina).
VACANT – The abbot, in his greeting, he turned to fellow monks, priests, youth, and the ecclesial movements “to this beloved Church of Montecassino , in this land of St. Benedict which I have dedicated my young life, strength, intelligence, enthusiasm and energy. I say – he concluded – to remain faithful to its origins and traditions looking forward to a future of peace and prosperity for all. Hear me with you forever. ” Meanwhile, the Congregation of Bishops appointed as Apostolic Administrator, Augusto Ricci, Prior of the Sacro Speco in Subiaco, which then from Wednesday called to administer the Diocese of Montecassino. Waiting for the Pope Bergoglio choose the successor of Dom Pietro Vittorelli.
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