(ASCA) – Rome, 12 June – The Big Heat and ‘around the corner and like every year and’ important not to be complacent. Experts predict from Sunday 16 to Friday ’21 June, a perfect storm of hot, which is shaping up as the first wave at risk, especially for citizens more’ fragile, such as the elderly. For this Federanziani remembers a set of guidelines which are the basic rules to prevent the risk of summer heat and allow the grandparents”” to spend a summer in security: 1) Avoid going out in the early hours’ heat of the day, or from 12 to 17.
2) Ventilate the environment where you live, by using a fan, being careful not to expose themselves to direct ventilation; 3) Drink plenty of fluids, at least a liter and a half a day, to replenish the daily losses of minerals. Instead Avoid alcoholic beverages, sodas, too sweet and too cold, not to exceed with coffee ‘or tea. 4) Eat light meals preferring pasta, fruits, vegetables, fruit ice cream civil and avoid fatty and spicy. 5) Keep your head protected from the sun.
6) Be careful not to expose yourself to the sun for prolonged periods. If, as a result of excessive exposure, were headache occurs, and ‘important to make wraps with fresh water to lower the body temperature. 7) And ‘advisable to wear light clothing, non-adherent, light-colored and natural fabrics’ cause synthetic fibers hinder the passage of air. 8) Do not stop medical therapies, it ‘replace the medications you usually take, on its own initiative. For all changes to care that you are following, always consult your doctor. 9) Do not get in a car parked in the sun. 10) If it is ‘possible, and’ should finally go on vacation in the locality ‘hilly or spas. An eleventh point of this handbook, finally, and’ turned to family, friends, children, grandchildren and neighbors of our grandparents” Italian”:” Do not leave them alone. Give them a hand to live a summer serene, knock on their door every so often to see if they need something, especially on days when the heat and ‘more’ relentless and ‘advisable for them to stay home. And if you ‘possible, take them with you on holiday or help them to go there.” red / mpd
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