07:52 June 13, 2013 Into (AGI) – Milan, June 13 – Red alert on vacations of many Italians. It’s called Tick borne encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, a disease transmitted by a tick, Ixodes Ricinus the, widespread in Eastern Europe and Italy localized in Triveneto and in many rural and urban areas. The cases each year are not many, about 30 (80 since 2000), but often serious, sometimes deadly, and growing in proportion to the increase in average temperatures that have made ‘active’ the tick from early spring (March) until late autumn, and wildlife (birds and ungulates). A situation to be monitored, so that the authorities’ European health have also requested Italy to enter the disease among those ‘notifiable’. And he ‘spoke at a meeting with experts in Milan.
Meningoencephalitis and’ a very serious disease, unfortunately easy to be confused initially with a common flu (mild fever, headache, muscle aches that appear to 7-14 days after the bite), followed (if neglected or underestimated) a second phase with the involvement of the central nervous system and possible permanent damage and disability. There is no specific treatment, but prevention of TBE and ‘possible with a simple vaccination that protects against all types of viruses is the subtype that European Asian. The vaccination ‘consists of two doses (to be administered before you leave). A third dose to voluntary return allows coverage of 5 years. “In light of this recent development – says Giovanni Rezza, director of the Department of Infectious Disease Istituto Superiore di Sanita ‘- the Commu nity’ European and ‘placed in a state of attention to the phenomenon of TBE, requiring first notification of cases of illness. This process will allow ‘on the one hand a more’ accurate mapping of the parasite and on the other the possibility ‘to set up vaccination programs more’ effective and targeted to the area of ??Triveneto. ” “Vaccination and ‘only’ solution ‘against TBE – says Fabrizio Pregliasco, a researcher at the Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health University’ degli Studi di Milano – which, being viral in nature, but has no specific therapy only symptomatic that can ‘plug the manifestations of the disease awaiting healing. Vaccination, effective and safe, can’ occur in two modes’ linked to the type of coverage to guarantee: a long-term risk for the population represented by residents, boy scouts or workers in rural areas, for quick action in the event of t ravel.
If you were attacked by the brand, and the first recommendation ‘to extract the parasite within 24 hours, making sure to take the entire body and the rostrum and noting the date of the tick bite, because ‘the appearance of any symptoms within 30 days from the extraction of the little animal, you need to go immediately to a doctor or a specialist center to receive treatment more’ appropriate to the various events “. (AGI).
Meningoencephalitis and’ a very serious disease, unfortunately easy to be confused initially with a common flu (mild fever, headache, muscle aches that appear to 7-14 days after the bite), followed (if neglected or underestimated) a second phase with the involvement of the central nervous system and possible permanent damage and disability. There is no specific treatment, but prevention of TBE and ‘possible with a simple vaccination that protects against all types of viruses is the subtype that European Asian. The vaccination ‘consists of two doses (to be administered before you leave). A third dose to voluntary return allows coverage of 5 years. “In light of this recent development – says Giovanni Rezza, director of the Department of Infectious Disease Istituto Superiore di Sanita ‘- the Commu nity’ European and ‘placed in a state of attention to the phenomenon of TBE, requiring first notification of cases of illness. This process will allow ‘on the one hand a more’ accurate mapping of the parasite and on the other the possibility ‘to set up vaccination programs more’ effective and targeted to the area of ??Triveneto. ” “Vaccination and ‘only’ solution ‘against TBE – says Fabrizio Pregliasco, a researcher at the Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health University’ degli Studi di Milano – which, being viral in nature, but has no specific therapy only symptomatic that can ‘plug the manifestations of the disease awaiting healing. Vaccination, effective and safe, can’ occur in two modes’ linked to the type of coverage to guarantee: a long-term risk for the population represented by residents, boy scouts or workers in rural areas, for quick action in the event of t ravel.
If you were attacked by the brand, and the first recommendation ‘to extract the parasite within 24 hours, making sure to take the entire body and the rostrum and noting the date of the tick bite, because ‘the appearance of any symptoms within 30 days from the extraction of the little animal, you need to go immediately to a doctor or a specialist center to receive treatment more’ appropriate to the various events “. (AGI).
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