Alarm launched in Modena by Simit and non-profit organization Women on the Net
Napoli, June 15 (TMNews) – Alarm hepatitis in Campania are 84 thousand people with hepatitis C in the region: 43 thousand in Naples and its province, and 11 thousand in Salerno province, and 12 thousand in Caserta province. Regarding hepatitis B is counted, however, a total of 60 thousand cases of patients: 31 thousand in Napoletano, 15 thousand in Salernitano and 9 thousand in Caserta. The figures were released by Simit, the Italian Society Infectious and Tropical Diseases and Women on the Net non-profit organization, on the occasion of the presentation of Modena ‘Ice, Together against hepatitis.
Hepatitis C – is learns a statement – is third leading cause of death in Italy with almost 200 thousand patients a year. The risk is greater if the infection is acquired at birth, with a 90-95% of cases, and immunocompromised individuals (10%). The prevalence is 0.1% in Western countries, while in Italy it is 1%. It is est imated that in Italy the sick are 1.5 million even though, in the beautiful country-specific data do not exist because of the lack of information and awareness. The number of reported cases is around 15-20%. An alarm was particularly evident for women for whom the problem is threefold: “The woman – said Anna Orani, infettivologa and advisor Simit – is the weak link for all diseases epidemiology and is the least protected from the sexual point of view. It ‘also, of course, prepared to give care and attention, but it is rare that receives and is therefore less attentive to their own health and to recognize the symptoms, arriving at the stage of full-blown disease without having followed a diagnostic and therapeutic. Finally, the response to disease is different from that of men. The woman also has a dual responsibility: for themselves and their son. It is estimated a 5% chance of transmitting the disease to their offspring, and this rises to 20% if the woman is HIV-positive for HIV. “” Information and access are our two key words – has Rosaria explained Iardino, president of Women on the Net non-profit organization and promoter of the association – must be informed to access to medicines. We are afraid that there are not enough money to get them, then, if there is a representation only you can make the right sull’Aifa pressure, Medicines Agency, and the individual regions. drugs that can cure exist, but are not available. We also want to invite pharmaceutical companies to lower their prices because we have the right to be cared for. A person with hepatitis C is much more of an infectious HIV. “
The costs for the treatment of hepatitis are high and fluctuate from 20 to 25 thousand Euros per month, but the organ transplant costs ten times more. In a vision in the medium and long term has, however, a savings of 90%. According to recent estimates, for another unconfirmed, the sick current of chronic hepatitis B are 600 thousand, 900 thousand while those of hepatitis C, for a total of one and a half million cases. But only half of these individuals are aware of their state.
“The current revolution is equal to that in the nineties we made certain for HIV – said Orlando Armignacco, president of Simit – E ‘ fundamental to our scientific society continuity in action against infectious diseases, and hepatitis in particular. ” The new vision and mission of this movement involves a new form of communication in order to emphasize the global alarm, the awareness of the disease, new forms of prevention. A pattern of lean and agile collaborati on between the scientific world and association patients and professionals.OTHER NEWS TOPIC
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