In Italy there are over 3 million asthmatics, 6% of the population. And the disease patients prefer more ‘fragile young people. Among them, the incidence, in fact, ‘twice and’ continues to grow, and ‘arrived now at 10%. It is over 900 thousand children and young people across the country, 21 thousand only in the province of Brescia. “Six out of 10 are struggling to follow treatment – says Sergio Pecorelli, Rector of the University ‘of Brescia -. As a result, they run a much greater risk of experiencing respiratory crisis and to go to the emergency room. ” Just to give a helping hand to them and families since 2007 and ‘operational at the Civil Hospital Center “Me and Asthma,” which proposes a Path Diagnostic Therapeutic Educ ational (PDTE): “We teach, explains Pecorelli – how to recognize symptoms of the disease and the correct use of medicines through fact sheets, games and multimedia ( The results confirm that practically disappeared visits to the doctor, the emergency room visits and hospitalizations. ” But not only another major milestone and ‘reducing the use of medicines daily. In fact, since the path to the third control, the percentage of patients with controlled asthma (with and without daily therapy) and ‘increased from 44 to 79%. As also reiterated after 18 months of follow-up. A child of 2, is also not assumed more ‘no medication, no side effects. “But, just ’cause we do not consider more fully the path that serves really to our patients and we want to occuparcene to 360 degrees, we started in 2012 with the international experience’ Health Promotion in the model and I through the Expanded Chronic Asthma Care Model ‘- adds Sebastiano Guarnaccia, Head of Clinical Laboratory Pedagogical and Biomedical Research / Center’ Me and Asma ‘of the Civil Hospital of Brescia -. It ‘a model of the World Health’. It means taking responsibility for children and young people and include them in the diagnostic and therapeutic pathways already ‘established, but with the innovation of expand, customize and integrate with routes of health promotion. ” “A pilot project in ‘real-life’ ever made in Italy – said prof. Pecorelli – conducted with the Hospital town, which is having unanimous scientific consensus across the ocean. “
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Health: 3 million Italians suffer from asthma, the most affected young people - Weather Web
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