Friday, June 21, 2013

Because the fate of the planet depends on our menu -

Into Sometimes the environmental issues we face, and rightly so, with such a level of complexity that we sgomentiamo and it seems that all the concern about someone outside is frankly beyond our reach. But often, almost always, complex systems, in terms of behavior or theories arise from small simple elements, which then become significant because of their redundancy, ie that are replicated many times by many people similar .

Into Some fifteen years ago in what was then the president of the Italian rice growers, young descendant of the Habsburgs whose predominant agricultural employment had not changed neither the ways nor the aristocratic accent inherited from his ancestors, about farmers and Ecology had this to say in a meeting: “We farmers do not necessarily have an ecological conscience, but if we understand that with organic rice can make more income, ecological consciousness, believe me, there is.” I’m not convinced the lack of environmental awareness of farmers, especially the younger generation and small producers. However, we can say that if the seas are cleaner is also due to better price the organic rice check on the markets.

Into One of the fathers of biodynamic wine, says that in his previous life he was the vineyards as did everyone. Then he had a son and this boy started to feel sick every time he did the treatments in the vineyard. To keep it worth anything in the house with doors and windows locked during those days, allergy hit him hard. Thus began his conversion to organic and biodynamic then to: his son could not breathe, and he became a benefactor of the planet.

Into In general, people like me who is in charge of culture of gastronomy, environment and therefore, tend to think that the behavior perfectly aware they have more value. But so many years in an association like Slow Food, scattered over many different territories, and therefore that are adapted to many different situations, and told in a thousand different ways, I was really thinking. Some of our leaders in the territories, for example, have chosen to communicate environmental issues starting from the theme of health . It’s funny because Slow Food began his career distancing himself from the prescriptions in which the food became a list of the chemical components of calories and with respect to which the patient was limited to taking responsibility away completely to weigh and count, rather than investigate and understand. But since then almost thirty years have passed and many things have changed, and Health has found its place also and above all to the new tables of gourmets.

Eat less meat is good for health , then if you consume what little you choose between that raised in respect of animal welfare locally and does not travel well (polluting) to be distributed, it is better. In addition, if we consume less meat, less corn farmers will, so they can make the crop rotation avoiding pesticides, seed treatment, which do so much damage to the bees, and you do not know how much damage they do to other living beings. Eating less meat is good for the health of all . But if someone undertook this virtuous path thinking only of their own would not change much, in fact, so well is also a bit ‘of selfishness, which certainly does not open the mind, but in the meantime improve the situation of air water and public health.

I the bluefin tuna should be avoided because there is little left. But there’s more: is a long-lived animal that can stand in its habitat for some ten years, absorbing many harmful substances. For this reason it is recommended to prefer fish short life cycle, entering the breeding season in just a few months after birth and ended their life in a matter of a year or two, that we we fish them or not. If we eat those (anchovies, an example of this) do a favor to the planet. But if you do favors for the planet is not in the top ten of our priorities that’s okay. We think anchovies, or char, do not have time to absorb the water in which they swim crap, and mangiamoceli in serenity.

Into short, if you keep in mind in a constant environmental issues seems beyond your reach, relax, it’s not a problem. Or as they say in Naples … think your health!
Carlo Petrini by Slow Fo od

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