Thursday, June 13, 2013

The eligibility of the ski to the good health of the pharmacist ... - Il Sole 24 Ore

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Into This entry was posted on 13 June 2013 at 11:39.

Into (Corbis) (Corbis)

Into frantic hours in the Government for the development of the package of growth measures to take to the next Council of Ministers. Next to the decree of work on the emergence and development and to the prisons is expected a draft bill with a new wave of simplification for citizens and businesses: from the Adda to unnecessary certificates (such as mental and physical fitness for the ski instructor or of fitness for the ski instructor) the obligation for public to pay compensation in case of delay in the completion of a practice; certificates of degree and diploma in English to the provision of data for only two legal obligations; such verifications easier for machinery companies to the requirements in light security work for workers with a contract of less than 50 days. Interventions that should soppravvivere to the work of “cut and paste” that individual ministries are completing at this time to get to the texts to be submitted to the CDM perhaps as early as tomorrow evening. Or at most Saturdays.

Farewell unnecessary certificates
Among the most curious aspects of the bill simplifications there is definitely the action of logging in the jungle of claims or authorizations for the conduct of individual professions, asked by law often decades old. Specifically, the Government aims to say goodbye to the following certificates: healthy and robust constitution for the task of tax collection officer; eligibility for recruitment in working not at risk of healthy physique for pharmacists, physical fitness for the uses State civil; fitness psycho-physical activity a ski instructor, of psychophysical ability to run steam generators, of suitability for operations relating to the use of toxic gas, for the sale of kinds of monopoly. Still on the subject of decertification There have also forecast to enforce a change in residence or domicile also for the payment of the taxation of waste without ever having to absorb as spe cific commitments.

Only two dates to legal obligations
Despite numerous measures ” size-laws “that have taken place in the recent past, our country has a number of standards that are still too high. With more complication that any new legislation may introduce an obligation from any date. Putting a strain on the life (and memory) of the citizens. To reverse the route the Ministry of Public Administration has asked for (and, apparently, got) to include in the draft bill the so-called “single date of effectiveness of the obligations.” Locating it in July 1 or January 1 of the following year.

Obligation to compensation for Pa
Still on the subject of relations between citizens and government offices in the launch pad there is also the ‘introduction of an obligation to pay compensation for Pa which do not conclude a proceeding on schedule. It remains to determine the extent of compensation. And it is likely to opt for a “relief” symbolic (10, 20 Euros for each day of delay with cap) that does not affect the right to act in administrative getting compensation itself.

Diploma in English
Waiting to internationalize our education system, the Executive tries to make them more understandable abroad our qualifications. This makes it possible for interested to apply for a diploma or a degree in English. Paying only the administration fee but not the cost of translation.

Less bureaucracy for businesses
Even more extensive is the chapter of simplifications that the bill devoted to business. For example, in terms of safety for workers with a contract of less than 50 days, you want to avoid repetition, only for formal reasons, the compliance already carried out by the same or other employers. How to submit to a medical examination or a training for a new job performance, although a few hours, only because in the meantime has changed the employer but not the productive sector in which it operates.

checks of machinery
are bound to change even periodic inspections of work equipment by businesses. To facilitate these is reduced from 60 to 45 days the period within which the Inail is required to carry out the first inspection. At the same time is no requirement for public entities required inspections, to communicate to the employer within 15 days of the request, the possible failure to carry out checks under its jurisdiction. As it is established that for these tasks Inail, the local health authorities and the Harp can rely on the support of public or private entities authorized.

Increase the validity of Durc
News in sight for the single document of regular contributions, which will last six months, and will be presented only in two stages of the contract instead of five (selection of the contractor and payment of benefits). To computerize the procedure is expected, on the one hand, that the contracting authorities to acquire only through information and, secondly, that the invitation to the regularization of non-compliance will be forwarded to the person by certified mail.



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