Monday, June 10, 2013

Health: diabetes, every year 4, 8 million deaths worldwide, 50% under 60 - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

15:11 June 10, 2013 Into (AGI) – Milan, June 10 – Die every year because of diabetes 4.8 million people in the world and the goal ‘(2.3 million) is less than 60 years. Diabetes affects 371 million people in the world: only 92.3 million in China and 63 million in India. But in the top 10 of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) are also listed U.S. (24.1 million), Brazil (13.4), Russia (12.7), Mexico (10.6), Indonesia (7.6), Egypt (7.5), Japan (7.1) and Pakistan (6.6). Italy has exceeded 3 million, 3.3. “Not to mention that 1 million people in our country has undiagnosed diabetes,” said Giorgio Sesti, president of the Scienti fic Committee Italian Barometer Diabetes Observatory (IBDO) Foundation, which organizes every year the Italian Barometer Diabetes Forum, international summit of experts, politicians, health economists, now in its sixth year, is scheduled for today and tomorrow at Villa Mondragone (Monte Porzio Catone, in the province of Rome). In Italy, according to the report ‘Facts and figures about diabetes in Italy’, which analyzes the performance of the main indicators of disease by region, drawn up under the auspices dell’IBDO Foundation and presented at the Forum, 2013, the direct costs of diabetes continue to be predominantly attributable to hospitalization, accounting for about 57% of total costs, while those related to drugs account for less than 7% of the per capita expenditure, estimated at an average of about 3,000 Euros. Costs but that ‘grows exponentially with the number of chronic complications. In absolute terms, the direct costs for people with diabe tes amounted to approximately € 9 billion a year. To these must be added those resulting from lost productivity ‘, early retirement, disability’ lifelong learning and other indirect costs. (AGI).

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