Monday, June 10, 2013

Health in the mirror - The Republic

Experts Into A project to take care of cancer patients to 360 degrees. Backed by volunteers Dell’Avo Segrate, oncologists and psychologists from the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan and by professionals of the fashion world who have offered time and resources

Tiziana Moriconi

Health in the mirror Into Doing something more for women with cancer. Not only follow in the path from diagnosis to cure, not only offer psychological support, but take care of them fully to help them live better the difficult time during therapy. And why not, to feel beautiful even during chemo. It was an idea that Valentina Di Mattei smoldering since 2006. Researcher in psychology at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan, and on duty at the hospital, in the seven years he never gave up. He put together a group of oncologists and psychologists determined as she has created a research project, asked for help from friends and acquaintances and found a volunteer willing to donate the funds.

Beyond the mirror. This is how today was born Health in the mirror , an initiative t o teach women how to take care of your skin such as beauty treatments can do, how makeup, how to choose the wig or how to play with scarves, but in reality goes far beyond the focus on appearance. “One of the first things that women ask when they are given the diagnosis of cancer is whether they will plunder his hair, and we realized that this issue, as it may seem secondary or ephemeral, profoundly affect their lives, and so we could not no longer ignore it, “says Di Mattei:” Let us begin, for now, to respond to a need. We are not sure that the action we are doing really better the quality of life of these women in the long run, and it is for this reason that the project does not stop at being a nice trick, but it will assess its impact on anxiety, depression, perception of body image and self-esteem. “


The pilot course. To test what will be the real project Health in the mirror, and that will last a year from next September, these days it takes a “pilot course” ( watch the video and the photo gallery). The specialists of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Health of the San Raffaele Hospital, directed by Professor Lucio Sarno , they are in fact trying to involve 60 women with breast cancer or ovarian (however gynecological area) to form groups of six to ten people. Each group will follow a course of three meetings, preceded by a personal interview with the psychologist. The first event will be dedicated to make up, to wigs and scarves, and the second will be held at a spa, precisely in the center of Milan Aesthetic Cosmetic medical spa with Angela Noviello , certified consultant Oncology Esthetics, then at end, there will be another meeting with psychologists, this time to the group. “It is im portant that patients can stop and reflect together on their experiences and that they can talk to each other,” says Letizia Carnelli , a psychologist who joined Di Mattei since the beginning of the project.

funds. Finding the funding to implement the mirror Health has not been easy. To answer the call of the doctors of the San Raffaele has been the association Avo Segrate Onlus . “Thanks to the 5 per thousand and donations, last year we were able to put aside € 7,000 to cover the costs of the project for a year,” says Maria Grazia Priest , one of the volunteers Avo Segrate.

Into “In times of budget cuts to health care, a similar project may be carried out only through volunteering and donations of companies, such as those of fashion that have helped us to achieve these days pilot – says Giorgia Mangili , Director of Gynecologic oncology medical – but it’s not just about money: people who are here at this time especially have donated their time and their humanity “.

Into doctors, stylist, photographer, makeup artist … the team that gave birth to the day Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan was motivated and enthusiastic. All they competed with one purpose: to give away an afternoon to women affected by breast cancer and to help them live the quiet life without thinking about the disease. A project that this will resume in September and we hope will be adopted by all hospitals in Italy. We wanted to tell you about this particular day

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Navigation for the photo gallery Previous Picture Next begins Slideshow
  •  Valentina-Dimattei-027 Dr. Valentina Di Mattei, assistant professor at the University San Raffaele, psychologist and psychotherapist of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Health. Project Coordinator Health in the Mirror. All pictures in the gallery are of Ivan Genasi, we thank Exit Rental Srl for photographic gear
  •  Giorgia-Mangili-018 Dr. Giorgia Mangili, head of Medical Gynecologic Oncology, Unit of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital San Raffaele
  •  Elena-Pagani-009 Dr. Elena Pagani Bagliacca, psychologist Clinical Psychology Service of Health and the Hospital San Raffaele
  •  Letizia-Carnelli-014 Dr. Letizia Carnelli psychologist Clinical Psychology Service of Health and the Hospital San Raffaele
  •  Paola-Zucchi-038 Dr Paola Zucchi
  •  Mariagrazia-Priest-014 Maria Grazia Priest, voluntary AVO
  •  Angela-Noviello-020 Angela Noviello, owner of downtown Milan Aesthetic Cosmetic Surgery and Medical Spa, certified consultant Oncology Esthetics.
  •  Franche-Wigs-018 Barbara Ferraris and Larovere The owners of the shop in Milan Franca Wigs
  •  Silvia-Dell'Orto-010 Silvia Dell’Orto, make-up artist
  •  Laura-&-Sofia -036 Odera Sofia and Laura Bianchi stylist and fashion journalists
  •  IMG_0545 Ivan Genasi, photographer. Photo by Francesco Bolis
So much emotion Into San Raffaele Hospital where make-up artist, hairdresser, stylist and fashion photographers have helped cancer patients to enhance their beauty even in the difficult period following chemotherapy

June 10, 2013 © All rights reserved

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