Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Orlando "Ilva does not meet health standards, requires action" - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

Orlando Ilva does not meet health standards must act 19:42 June 3, 2013

(AGI) – Rome, June 3 – “It ‘unacceptable to violate a procedure and a path that must be followed in a much more’ hard to guarantee the protection of the health of citizens.” He said, speaking Ilva Taranto, Environment Minister, Andrew Orlando, on the sidelines of a press conference in Rome in which are presented the latest data on the steel ISPRA Taranto. “The funds are to be found ’cause the health of citizens and’ good priority,” said Orlando. “From the report that prepared the Ministry of Environment and the first results of the inspection ISPRA emerges a fact: that the planned journey and ‘was only partially complied with and, therefore, it is re-operate to ensure that the objectives of environmental improvements are made because ‘is not’ acceptable to violate a procedure and a path that must be followed so much more ‘hard to guarantee the protection of public health, “said Orlando yet.


“The reference model that we follow for the Ilva Taranto and ‘that of the blind trust’ cause allowing for the suspension of the normal functioning of a company to achieve a goal and be within the indicated parameters of the law, “said Minister of the Environment. When asked by reporters if it ‘also conceivable the figure of an ad acta commissioner, Orlando then answered: “No,’ cause I think that the necessary service should be broad and an ad acta commissioner has instead circumscribed tasks and clear. This case – he concluded – so little work. ” As for the Ilva Taranto, the government’s efforts are not limited to the environmental aspect but also are focused on the gender employment gap, said the Minister of Environment. “We are going ahead with the work – assured – and we also deal with the appearance of employment ’cause this could not be’ neglect. Our goal is’ to avoi d a backlash in terms of employment and social.” “Times are tight and work and ‘complicated,” said the minister. Speaking at a press conference in Rome, during which the minister has presented the results of the latest survey ISPRA sull’acciaieria, Orlando added: “We do not want to do something that in a week is inadequate. But certainly, regarding the decision, if not ‘matter of hours’ matter of days. “


In the new fact-finding investigation of the Higher for the Protection and Environmental Research (Ispra) and ARPA Puglia to check the status of implementation of the actions foreseen in the Decree for review Hague Ilva, issued last October, there were delays and violations of standards. The first criticality ‘and found’ that the docks ‘bulging’ 2:04 of the seaport, the systems for the handling of materials transported by ship not correspond to European rule Bat 11. This ‘and’ been established more recently by the commission investigating the IPPC-Hague. The second criticality ‘concerns on schedule to meet the requirement for full coverage of the conveyor belts that are significantly higher than the constraints initially imposed from The Hague. Third problem, the time required to comply with requirements on complete closure of the open, which remain higher compared to the initial imposed from The Hague, for more ‘in the abse nce of expression of opinion on the modification of the timing of the request by the operator. The fourth criticality ‘and’ who continue in excess of the emission limit allowed for the amount ‘of dust in the flow of water vapor coming out of the towers off. Finally, it is not ‘entirely satisfied with the provision that requires the elimination of the phenomenon of slopping (ie’ the expulsion of gas and reddish clouds from the chimneys of the steel) or through a different management of the production process. The company, have concluded Ispra and Harp Puglia, has significantly strengthened the systems and bought a new software system, which is now ‘on trial in the steel converter 3 2, just the plant from which you and’ developed the last episode of slopping on May 27. Orlando then announced that, according to the normal procedure, to these preliminary considerations will follow ‘a communication of the results of the control ISPR A the authorities’ authorities, together with any proposal of the measures to be taken.

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