Into However, these innovative drugs, the Aflibercept manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis and Roche produced by the pertuzumab, frets are placed in band CNN , which can be purchased by hospitals but because of cuts to health you could check out the situation so they should buy their own patients paying their own way.
Into These oncology drugs are still not reimbursable because the AIFA, ie the ‘ Agenza Italian Drug , you must negotiate the price with the pharmaceutical company , which in the meantime has marketing the drug at a price that returns convenient. In essence, the trading price of the drug if in Europe requires an average of three or four months in Italy, however, the time stretch further.
Balduzzi with the decree in practice instead the drug enters the market at the expense of the patient, admitted that he can afford the outlay of your own pocket.Into the meantime, the ‘ Italian Association of Medical Oncology has sent a letter to the Minister of Health Lorenzin: “How Italian Association of Medical Oncology, we are confident that they will not be patients to pay. The problem, though, is who will have to go to the expense: the hospitals, the regions? To our knowledge, this issue has never been addressed neither individually nor in the State-Region. The risk is that I determine is unacceptable inequalities for patients, since some regions Enterprises or authorize the acquisition of drugs and other otherwise not permit . “Finallyleft to wonder what happened to Article 32 of our constitution that defines the health as a fundamental right of the individual and collective interest. Unfortunately in the Bel Paese the reality show very little adherence to the Constitution.

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