Friday, July 26, 2013

The health costs us dearer region increases the ticket - The Republic

Unions attack: increases of 15 percent without informing the public. The reply: we have complied with a legal obligation, laid out in the spending review. And then in some cases the share has declined

ARE also increased ticket. It may well be due to the diligence to comply promptly with the regional national resolution revising the rates recognized public and private structures, but in the meantime for patients Piedmont from July many performance are more expensive and specialist visits increased by 15 percent. The resolution of the county council that reflects the adjustment is passed quietly, retouching seemed to only cover the fees paid to public companies and private structures for visits and tests. As a result of that revision, however, even the ticket have been revised: in some cases it is content increases, from 1 to 3 Euros, but in others the increase is significant. This is the case of biopsies for example to that of the pleura pay out 50 euro more, from 129 to 180 euro. For needle aspiration for breast cysts will spend 7 euro more than in 2012. Cataract surgery increases by 16 euro, from 79.55 to 95.40.

The warning comes from trade unions CGIL, CISL, UIL, which accuse the region have not given any information to the citizens. With the resolution of July 2, for example, support the trade unions, the cost of the first specialist visit increased from 23, 10 (18.60 and 4.50 of the base cost of additional ticket Regional) to 26.70 (20, 70 + 6). “In addition to the increase of 2,10 decided at national level, the Region has confirmed a further increase in regional ticket of 1.50″. In this way, it is the thesis of the regional secretaries

Laura Seidita to CGIL, CISL and Joan Ventura for Lorenzo Cestari for UIL “The region is cash on the health of citizens and grants to private advantages. In some cases, such as blood tests, it will be advisable to call to private rather than go to hospital. ” The allegations also concern the lack of alerts to citizens on the exemption expires, which lasts five years: “Patients discover it only to pay the ticket,& #8221; they say.

The union believes that the region would have to give the increase in the regional share. For the Department, however, it was not a discretionary choice “but merely an obligation of law,” by the decree of the spending review, “which identifies the criteria according to which the regions are obliged to adjust their tariff system “. In many cases, stress Cavallera Morgagni and the general manager, the ticket decreases: for example, a complete blood count with urinalysis, liver enzymes, cholesterol and triglycerides decreased from 21.70 to 16.30. The example of the specialist visits accounted for only 4 percent of the total, says the Department, and overall “the transposition of tariff nomenclature ministerial results in a significant reduction in the cost of performance and as a result of the partnership of national health spending.” The opposition has condemned yet another surprise move. The Democratic Party leader Aldo Reschigna accused the Region of taking advantage of a national decision to increase the share regional: “Other than cutting wastage: the slogan of Cota is to charge more and more citizens. And the decision has not involved in any how the Council. “

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