Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Unioncamere: "In Veneto life is good lot of money and health, the bad ... - Corriere della Sera


Unioncamere: In Veneto life is good
lot of money and health, bad security

For the report Beyond GDP second only to 2013, the region Trentino Alto Adige. But we penalize pollution and road accidents. Venice bringing up the rear of the North East

VENICE – How you live today in Veneto? The photograph taken at the region shows that material well-being, health, use of time and personal and social relationships are the flagships, while education and safety Veneto slides in the ranking of the welfare of the Italian regions. These, in summary, the preliminary results of the report Beyond GDP 2013. Measuring social welfare to boost economic development, presented at Unioncamere Veneto. The paper presents the new geography of well-being of the Italian regions, with a focus on the provinces of North and East metropolitan city, working out 41 basic indicators and 8 dimensions: material well-being, health, education, employment, use of time, safety, relationships Personal and social environment. The aggregation of these dimensions there have been some indices of the new geography of well-being in Italy and Veneto.

Looking beyond the economic aspects, Veneto proves to be a region with a high level of material well-being. Among the dimensions considered, the indices of health, use of time and social and personal relationships place the region among the first places, while on work environment and the Veneto in positions not brilliant. Education and safety, however, are the main critical issues. On the basis of normalized values ??ranging from 0 to 1 (close to 0 the situation of difficulty and discomfort than the average), the Veneto second with 0.69 for overall well-being, behind the Trentino Alto Adige (0.82) and in front of Valle d’Aosta, Tuscany, Marche and Lombardy. Despite the value of education, Veneto is in half of the list (position 11) for higher education, university and school dropout, while the indicator for safety fifteenth due to the number of road accidents, which among the highest in the country.

To work environment and the Veneto occupies positions rearguard: both indicators place it at number 5, on the one hand as a result of unemployment and youth employment (with a high rate of female employment more than the average), the other among the worst for exceeding the limit provided for PM10, despite being a leader in recycling. For dimensions of material well-being, the Veneto region with less inequality in income distribution and second by income level equivalent. The region also excels for health, where all indicators readings are good or at least average. Tested positive for use of time and personal and social relationships: very good reading rate, the practice of sport and participation in shows; also good social participation despite a low density of voluntary organizations. Excluding the Trentino Alto Adige, that based on all the indicators considered seems to be a land border (single index value 0.82), the regions can be classified into th ree groups. The Veneto, with a value of 0.69, is in second place in the first group of regions (in front of Valle d’Aosta, Tuscany, Marche, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna). The second group consists Liguria, Umbria, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Piedmont, and in the third Molise, Sardinia, Abruzzo, Lazio, Puglia, Basilicata, Campania and Sicily.

If the Veneto stands out among the Italian regions to the level of well-being, not just as happens for Venice. In comparison with the rest of the North East, the province lagoon in tenth position in the ranking (0.63) driven by Trento and Bolzano (0,77). Among the provinces, Verona overhead (0.76) in front of Padua (0.74), Belluno (0.72), Vicenza (0.7) and Treviso (0.64), with Rovigo bringing up the rear ( 0.5). Despite being on the podium of the north-eastern provinces for material well-being, Venice show criticality in the size of the environment, safety and working conditions and does not excel in education and personal and social relationships. The comparison with other metropolitan city instead rewarding for the city lagoon (0.67), which is in fourth position in the ranking led by Florence, Bologna and Milan. (Ansa)

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