Monday, July 22, 2013

Health: Arezzo becomes "national reference center for ... - The Nation

Into Arezzo, July 22, 2013 – Did not beds, but “hospitalized” hundreds of patients a year. It has operating rooms but takes 150 surgeries each year. The staff from which it is composed can be counted on the fingers of one hand, but has at its disposal a team with the best professionals of the company. It is not a research center, but has developed innovative projects appreciated all over the world. And now all this being “different” from the usual, is also officially recognized by the Italian Association of Urology Gynecology (AIUG) that declares “ National Reference Center for Pelvic Floor Disorders.”

Into It ‘another of the excellence of our territory, wel l known by almost 1,500 people that in ten years are back to a normal life and dignified and 800 people each year are taken into load to evaluate and improve the living conditions put to the test by rectal diseases, and pelvic floor with all the consequences “heavy” they face women . But not known, as it deserves, by the general public when compared to other hospitals and not.

Into Leading this property by 10 years has Zanieri Daniel Crabs (pictured).

Into The recognition now obtained from AIUG, comes from the quality of the work done and the prospects of the structure. Turns the spotlight on a reality that attracts users from all over Italy and abroad , where Crabs Zanieri for years and years were invited to submit the results of the experience of Arezzo.

Into “Our – explains Crabs – is a multidisciplinary structure located inside the mothers and children , to which they cooperate, urological, proctologists, radiologists ( Elbetti, Giani, Paoletti, Giovannelli, Zingarelli). He has produced numerous scientific papers and publications, participating in the congress and AIUG dell’AIUR, from which has already received recognition and awards in 2005 for best “Poster” at the Conference in Bologna of Colon Proctology.

The Unit Into Simple “Pelvic Floor Disorders” has outpatient hospital in Arezzo and that of the Valdarno . But do interventions in the three principals: Arno Valley, Upper Tiber Valley and San Donato. Care for patients suffering from diseases of the pelvic floor , such as cystocele, hysterocele, rectocele, enterocele, urinary incontinence. It works in close collaboration with specialized center s (such as the spinal unit led by Professor Giulio po Careggi for cases of urinary incontinence “urgent” refractory to medical therapy). Fundamental work with the radiology of the USL, which have gained specific knowledge in reading images (Alberto Zingarelli) and one with the neurologie (John Linoli for neurogenic bladder).

“We – says Crabs – try to be more conservative as possible, aiming to maintain the uterus , to an issue of psychological type and for proper functionality of a sexual . Our audience is made up of people in the majority between 50 and 70 years, but there are also cases of young people, aged 25 years and older. Just as there are interventions in the very elderly, up to almost 90 years. “.

From Arezzo structure resulted in new surgical techniques as: isteropessi sling with low elasticity for the correction of uterine prolapse and protests (in the biological material and part synthetic) for the correction of prolapse of the vault Vaginal which has now been developed and applied in many parts of Italy and abroad. Are then used prosthesis is made of plastic and organic with great attention to maximum preservation whenever possible. It ‘a minimally invasive surgery, but complex.

Into  220;In our business – explains Crabs, who was recently appointed regional manager of ‘AIUG – the decision whether or not the intervention is all borne by the patient. We see what is the problem that we are subjected to. We identify the course of treatment and where necessary the nature of the surgery. Then it is the patient who decides whether to do it or not. Hardly ever we are faced with problems that endanger people’s lives. Instead we are always faced with problems that undermines the quality of people’s lives. The success of our surgery is around 80%. An average higher than the rest of Italy. Asking our patients, that they have fully complied with a greater margin. “

Into To access this service you proceed with a request from your doctor or a specialist and you book through cup, and the next surgery will be performed at hospitals in Arezzo or Sansepolcro or Montevarchi.

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