Into What can I say. They do not know ‘where to end to clean reputation. After more polluted ‘I can not, and after having bothered Jovanotti, Rocco Papaleo, and also Caravaggio, ENI now passes to the Gemelli Hospital in Rome.
Into the series: come to us we breathe clean air!
Into fact, they say, those of ENI, that the health and safety of their dipendendenti and the community ‘are “primary objectives” for them, during the course of their activities’.
Into Well, I, your nose would say that their primary goal and ‘your wallet, and that all the rest are details.
Into They also say that “ the company adopts its own programs to prevent and reduce occupational risks in respect of the health of the population and the integrity ‘of the external environment .”
Into Ma. to include external environment is polluted sites of national interest that carry the signature ENI or their subsidiaries? For external environment means the fetid air of the oil center of Viggiano?
Into the final Chicca: every action and ENI ‘” characterized by a strong commitment to sustainable development, valuing people, contributire development and welfare of the community’ in which it works protecting the environment, investing in ‘technical innovation, pursue energy efficiency and mitigating the risks of climate change. “Into Hmm. He lacks only the halo
Into That they were going to say these things in Gela, Porto Torres, Marghera, Manfredonia, Priolo, Viggiano, huh?
Into They also say they will do 5 stages of medical prevention issues in 5 municipalities of the City of Romae that everything will last ‘a year with nothing less than a grand finale at the Vatican, the presence of the major governmental and local institutions with a concert in the Sala Nervi and a gala dinner in the spaces of the Vatican Museums.
Into The ENI and the twins also will “present the results of medical research” initiatives and scientific conferences promoted by the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University.
Into They will talk about the damage to health related to hydrocarbons? They will speak of the children who are born deformed in Gela? Of those with DNA damage in Sarroch?
Into Dear Scaroni of for Sustainable Fossil in there ‘nothing at all, and all the propaganda above is really funny.Into Do you understand that ‘its core business (here, the use of the Englishman that she likes so much), just to the root, to be wrong?
Into You called hydrocarbons, not daisies.
Into One can not ‘pretend to be dancer and if’ lumberjack, so avoid ridicule you alone.
Into The cause of climate change is you oilmen, with your business models that do not care for the communities’ local and which people they care even less. You can surround yourself with all the splendor of the world – from the Nervi hall at the gala, from Policlinico Jovanotti, but you are rotten at the root.
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