Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Health: from Euro MPs early warning system antiepidemie -

(ANSAmed) – STRASBOURG July 3 – Europe strengthens the alarm system to combat the epidemics that in recent years have panicked million citizens of Europe. Parliament today approved by a large majority – 678 votes in favor, 21 against and 4 abstentions – a common strategy already ‘agreed with the Council that is based on three pillars: an early warning system on a European scale, the joint buying drugs and vaccines, the possibility ‘to declare a health emergency”’ public” European Union.

In short, Europe says enough to health threats that has suffered in recent years. Just think of the pandemic influenza ‘A’ that in 2009 only in Italy has put at risk the health of 7 million chronically ill, with exorbitant costs in the race for the purchase of vaccine by the health services in all Member States. More ‘recently, the killer bacterium Escherichia coli has devastated the European fruit and vegetable sector. The new instrument potra ‘also intervene in cases such as the cloud of ash produced by the volcano in Iceland in 2010 provoked’ the closure of the plane of northern and central Europe with great damage to the economy.

With the new measure therefore will strengthen the existing mechanisms at European level to improve coordination and reduce response times on a European scale. The text is aimed in particular to” ensure that the preparation and response planning in the veterinary and human are interoperable.” The deputies also introduce a system to allow the joint purchase of medicines, ensuring access to vaccines more ‘equitable prices. Finally, the EU can ‘declare a health emergency”’ public” European Union to speed up authorization of medicines needed to fight the crisis without having to wait, as at this day, the decision of the World Health Organization ‘. (ANSA).

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