(ASCA) – Rome, July 4 – What should be the time most ‘beautiful in a woman’s life, can sometimes’, however, turn into a tragic event. According to some studies, the bodily changes that occur during pregnancy can make women more ‘predisposed to stroke. According to data published in Stroke, the official journal of the American Heart Association, and the incidence of the phenomenon ‘of” only” 26 cases per 100,000, but worry and’ the significant increase recorded in the last 10 years, with an increase of 54%. Numbers that have alerted the community ‘scientific prompting many specialists, especially Americans, to deepen the relationship between stroke and pregnancy, arousing the concern of many expectant mothers and the general interest in the issue. ” It ‘s inevitable that the gestation period of a woman’s body undergoes profound changes in hormone lev els and physiological hypervolemia (increased circulating blood volume), vasodilatation and thrombophilia – said Valerio Sarmatians, a specialist in neurocognitive rehabilitation after stroke brain – mainly, these episodes occur with individuals with specific risk factors, which may be aggravated by pregnancy, but which in any case should be kept under control. Unfortunately, it ‘s true that there are also specific problems related to pregnancy which may increase the risk of stroke: preeclampsia, often asymptomatic, and eclampsia (toxemia or). The management of stroke in pregnancy and ‘an extremely complex issue, since’ if ‘extremely necessary to intervene with drugs, there’ still to take account of the possible toxicity ‘that they may have to the fetus. E ‘therefore necessary that, when possible, prevent the occurrence of risk factors themselves, trying to avoid obesity’, smoking and taking care of the diet and, fo r those problems on which you can not ‘act changing the style of life and ‘well consult a doctor that will be able’ always keep the situation under control.” red / mpd
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