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July 23 – The Hygiene and Health Commission of the Senate today unanimously approved the report on “Environmental pollution and effects on the incidence of tumors, malformations of the fetal-neonatal and epigenetics “presented by Senators Lucio Romano, Choice Civica, and Maurizio Romani, M5S and the presence of the Secretary Paolo Fadda.
The approval is the first act of the inquiry that the Commission take to document the link between environmental pollution and the incidence of cancer, birth fetoneonatali and epigenetics.
“The Commission in achieving this survey is intended to protect the right to health governed by. 32 of the Constitution, “explained Lucio Romano. “The right to health is attributable to the category of the inviolable: it is a fundamental right of the individual and protection of a collective interest of the company not to be adversely affected by uncontrolled situations san itation that could be the cause and spread of disease.”
“The study is written in the report approved today, making use of hearings and visits to places of greatest impact polluting, more answers and secondary needs. In particular, through a detailed analysis and epidemiological perspective, it is possible to perform all the actions of prevention (primary and secondary) for safeguarding the health-oriented with a better commitment to economic and financial resources from the competent institutions. It also allows an overlap of absolute utilities, including: data referring to environmental pollution – “cartography” of the implications for cancer and birth fetoneonatali – mapping urban settlements and agricultural land with no food production possible developments. In detail, it is desirable correlation with indicators of exposure, evaluation of the associations between variability of health indicators (mortality, morbidity, birth defec ts, sex ratio) and the indicators of environmental contamination. “
“The work – add the speakers – will be developed paying absolute attention to quality of the scientific evidence and the validity of the documentation. The survey will make use of documentary material already available (reports, report, reports, surveys, etc.)., Notes and prepared documents for the Commission (on the basis of specific questions), of visits to areas of interest for ‘ investigation and hearings of actors operating in the field in question and of experts (on detailed issues identified by the Commission) indicated that it can possibly be integrated in relation to particular needs in-depth. “
The choice of Campania , says the report, is due to the fact that “for several years the region has been the scene of dramatic conflict and disputes regarding the disposal and treatment of waste, with various sites of uncontrolled abandonment even of those industries. The practice of dissemination of illegal dumps in that territory, accompanied by forms of illegal disposal and incineration of waste, began in the ’80s. “
More in” Campania the destruction perpetrated on the territory has been constant and untold damage as well as, possibly, irreversible if one takes into account the transfer of pollutants from the environment to the food chain, without which today can be established with certainty the effects on human health. “
“Because of the multiplicity of the territories involved in the survey and related cognitive specificity, it is deemed appropriate for specific geographical areas – from Campania – adds Romano – second sequences and gradually adopted by the Commission.”
The calendar of hearings are expected to be listened to, among others, the Ministry of Health and the Environment ?
, the ISS, the associations of epidemiologists, oncologis ts, the Sigo, pediatricians, and the Harp WWF.
July 23, 2013 class=”container_mail”> © All rights reserved
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