Saturday, July 6, 2013

Company health of Lunigiana, it all adds up in surplus - City of La Spezia

Lunigiana – During the last meeting of the shareholders of the Company of Health of the Lunigiana was approved the 2012 financial statements, which, although still difficult at a time, shows the smoothing of losses and returns to being active for 114 thousand and EUR 416.
“A very positive result obtained in one year and that, from the financial point of view, it was very difficult – says the president Riccardo Varese – In fact, the economic crisis and the actions of cost containment is implemented by the Central Government that the Region of Tuscany have had an effect on the organization of social services – health, resulting in a lower allocation resources: for example, the Regional Fund on Montanita decreased by 50% compared to 2011 and the overall decrease of the transfers amounted to EUR 170 and 673mila.
Despite this, we were able to completely cover the loss of budget of 2011, which amounted to € 596 and 311mila and could be recapitalised, pursuant to law, in the next three years.
The law allowed us to cover the loss in three years, but the commitment by the staff the SDS Lunigiana was such that this was covered in a single annuity, first of all thanks to the savings achieved through the reorganization of services, shared with the social partners, users and their families.
In addition, efforts to contain costs and rationalization of services, research and obtaining additional funding by the towns of Montana of Lunigiana and the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio della Spezia Lunigiana SDS led to the attainment of a positive result of EUR 426mila and 12, which made it possible to fully cover the loss incurred in 2011 and a surplus of EUR 114 thousand and 416.
Finally, mention should be made a necessary update of the Integrated Plan for Health (Pis), that, in addition to programming the maintenance of existing services, has provided the following new programmatic actions: characterization of a plan to accommodate patients with mental health problems stabilized in the chronic phase that residual deficits that do not allow the return to the family, at the RSA corporate Pontremoli and activation of a High psychiatric residency assistance, ensuring therapeutic treatments – Extensive rehabilitation and social reintegration programs implement (experimental project with the Foundation Casa Cardinal Maffi; reorganization principals sub / district in a position to take charge of a need for increasingly complex and growing, which, through sustainable actions and integrated social and health, is capable of improving the health of the population (also requires the reorganization and structural adjustment and technological district principals aimed institutional accreditation) review of the organization of Continuity of care.
I can not, then, do not stress, with great satisfaction, that the obj ectives laid down by the Region of Tuscany were centered 80%, positioning the SDS Lunigiana among the top ten at the regional level.
And ‘why I want to thank all the technical staff and auditors that, in recent years, have supported and accompanied in their choices, even politically, the SDS Lunigiana.
centered objectives that result, in practice, the maintenance of standards than sufficient in the services provided to citizens. “


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