Thursday, July 4, 2013

Osteopathy, care 'in touch' that stimulates healing -

Into MILAN – Osteopathy and ‘one of the so-called’ complementary medicine ‘, recognized by the European Union with the guidelines issued in 2010. The EU itself specifies that these medical practices,” when practiced correctly, can help to protect and improve the health and well-being of citizens.” Osteopathy in particular use the ‘touch’ and manipulating the body to stimulate the capacity ‘of self-healing that our body already’ have, as experts explain Institute of Osteopathy (ISO).
” The osteopathic approach – they say – tries to define, through its principles, scientific knowledge and practice manual, a therapeutic intervention that focuses on th e individual patient. The patient is understood as a person and not only as entities’ suffering from a disorder or a disease.” In practice, the osteopathic approach” focuses its attention on the integration between the various systems of the body using as access routes to the fascial and musculoskeletal systems to improve through treatment, the patient’s health.”
What do osteopaths, in fact, and ”’ complement existing medical and scientific knowledge to osteopathic principles in patient care. It ‘important to the osteopath-patient relationship in the therapeutic process: it is a form of care focused on the health of the person rather than the disease.” Osteopathy, experts say,” is not limited to the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, but is concerned about the way in which the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system integrates and interacts with the physiology of the whole organism ̵ 6; ‘.
Osteopathic medicine’ was founded in the United States of America in the second half ‘of the nineteenth century by the surgeon Andrew Taylor Still, who opened’ the first school in 1892. The Higher Institute of Osteopathy (ISO) and ‘was the first school in Italy to launch a five-year course for the osteopathic training full-time in the autumn of 2013, the ISO will present’ officially the new course of study to become osteopath, while together with the Institute of osteopathy SOMA announce ‘the International Congress’ Structure & Function ‘, which will bring together’ the leading experts of international caliber.

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