In a small watermelon a high concentration of one of the most powerful antioxidants, lycopene. And ‘the result obtained from the farm of Poggio Rusco Malavasi, in collaboration with the University of Ferrara, Lycomelon part of the project, which will be presented this evening at Palazzo Spisani in the city of Emilia. Into Marco Malavasi for years has focused attention on the mini watermelons and seedless watermelons: thinner peel, much less waste, less clutter in your home and, most importantly, greater adaptability to the needs of large retailers. With families always less numerous, in fact, the mini watermelons may be cropped and finite, unlike the giants from 8-10 pounds, now almost unmanageable. Into The product was successful, and many have embarked on this path. The Malavasi, then, have thought of a new way to stand. The attention has fallen on lycopene, an antioxidant content also, for example, in tomatoes. And more tomatoes are red, contain more lyco pene. As well as watermelons. “The difference – explains Marco Malavasi – is that the lycopene in tomatoes is fat-soluble, so it executes the action especially after cooking and in combination with fat, such as olive oil or butter. That of our watermelons, however, is water soluble, and enters in action in combination with water. ‘ And, you know, watermelon is 90% made of water. So, lycopene watermelons by the registered trademark “Cuoredolce” can immediately exercise its role as a “scavenger” of free radicals. “The institute of Professor Veronesi – remember Malavasi – has established that lycopene helps prevent some diseases, especially cancers of the prostate.” Into The increase of the content of lycopene in watermelons Cuoredolce was obtained by a job on seeds, with the support of the University of Ferrara. And just in the province of Ferrara, Vigarano Mainarda, the company has its own land, while the warehouse is working in Poggio Rusco. The first fruits are matured for a few days, with a slight delay related to prolonged bad weather this spring. But now everything is ready, the distribution is left: the product is sent in the main fruit and vegetable markets in Northern Italy – where then supply the stores of fruit and vegetables – and some medium-sized supermarket chains, two of which, shear and Martinelli, operate also in Mantua.
Into For the moment, the distribution will be limited to customers more “demanding” as well as miniangurie have a slightly higher cost than normal, the same will be true of those rich in lycopene. “But it is only an indication – concludes Malavasi – because to decide the prices is the market. And we do not stock, we accept what the market offers. “
Into July 4, 2013
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