Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas, the tree can cause health problems - Lettera43

With the heating mold and bacteria proliferate.

(© Getty Images) With the heating mold and bacteria proliferate.

Watery eyes, colds, sneezing, difficulty breathing well. If you happen to have these symptoms in the next two weeks could not be guilty of an influence that was brewing, but Christmas tree in your home.
FOUND 53 TYPES OF MOLD . To suggest a search of the Upstate Medical University, in the U.S., published in the journal Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Kurlandsky Dr. Lawrence and his team, noting that respiratory diseases were on the rise during the parties, they examined 28 pieces of fir Christmas, including needles and bark and found that lurk there 53 different types of mold.
Many of these molds are responsible for itchy nose, watery eyes, coughing, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, feeling of tiredness and sleep problems.
PNEUMONIA RISK. “These symptoms are exacerbated by increased proliferation of mold in a heated room such as housing, arriving in in some cases can lead to long term lung problems and conditions such as bronchitis and pneumonia, “scholars have pointed out. From the measurements made spores spread in the air outdoors were 800, within 15 days were even 5,000
But it is not only the tree ‘true’ to create problems. Even the artificial one, if kept stored for a year and then opened without first being cleaned and decorated, it accumulates a lot of dust which can lead allergies during the holidays.
USE AN AIR PURIFIER. From the scholars have come then some tips to fight what is called the “syndrome of the Christmas tree.” We must make watering the Christmas tree by someone who is not allergic before taking it home to ward off bacteria and mold, keep it within no more than 12 days to reduce the risks as much as possible and use an air purifier.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

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