ROME – Italians are satisfied with their health status, but women are worse than men. And ‘as it detects Istat Statistical Yearbook 2013.
The 70.4% of Italians, according to ISTAT,” gave a positive assessment of their state of health, responding’ very well ‘or’ good ‘to the question’ How is your health in general?”. The percentage of people who claim to enjoy a good state of health, however, is higher among men (74.2%) than among women (66.8%). At the same age, therefore, emphasizes the Istat,” emerge net gender differences to the disadvantage of women.” Obviously, then, decreases with increasing age, the prevalence of people that give a positive view of their own state. As for the ‘geography of good health’, the share of Italians who claims to be comfortable is slightly higher in the North (71.9%) than in the Centre (69.8%) and the South (68.8%). Among the regions, however, the best situations you encounter in Bolzano (84.8%), Trento (76.2%) and Ontario (73.5%). The worst situations are recorded instead Basilicata and Calabria (64.1%). In addition, compared to 2012, decreased by the people who say they are in good health both the center and the South As for health in general, the disadvantage for women, highlights the Istat,” is also apparent in the data related to the share of the population who suffer from at least one chronic disease”: they are women to be more frequently affected. In particular, 20% of the population said to be suffering from two or more chronic diseases, with very marked gender differences”” from the age of 45.
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