Sunday, December 8, 2013, 20:36
Iron and spelled baked goods can counteract the nutritional deficiencies due both to a lack of power is Forced to dietary regimens. This is proposed to implement the project Bake4Fun that kicked off all’Universuta ‘di Bologna. Coordinated by Andrea Gianotti, Department of Agro-Food Science and Technology at the University ‘of Bologna, the project will involve’ seven partners from Italy, Spain and Poland that will carry out research throughout the supply chain with the active participation of four small and medium-sized enterprises. The idea is ‘to develop formulas and technologies to develop bakery products fortified with iron and are at the same time, thanks to the use of farro, more’ wholesome and good, even from the nutritional point of view, compared to products commonly available.
In detail, we will use iron micro-encapsulated and spelled flours with high nutritional and health benefits produced in an environmentally friendly. We will investigate ‘the effect of the baking process with natural yeast and microencapsulation on the bioavailability’ of the iron and on the properties’ functional flour. Follow ‘then a phase of analysis and assimilation of these nutrients on the beneficial effects of the same applied in animal models. Iron deficiency due to an insufficient supply affects, according to recent estimates, between 1.5 and 2 billion people in the world and has negative consequences especially in children. But this problem is not only underdeveloped countries. In the so-called “first world” and ‘found, in some cases, a deficiency of micronutrients minerals due to dietary Forced adopted for dietary reasons or because of the onset of food intolerance. Realizing baked goods containing these micronutrients may ‘then be a contribution to the solution of these deficiencies. These new products will also benefit from the presence of spelled, an ancient grain, the first type of wheat cultivated by man, by which ‘also derived the term “flour”, then supplanted, in agriculture, the wheat yield due to the greater latter. The reintroduction of spelled it mean recovery is also an element of traditional Italian food heritage, as it is an ancient grain native Italic and not imported – was the staple food of the Roman legionaries – and that has preserved over the centuries, the its particular nutritional characteristics. This will allow ‘to meet the needs of that category of consumers and’ attentive to the provenance and origin of the foods and it bases its purchasing decisions not only on the value for ‘/ price, but also on nutritional, health benefits and environmental such as sustainability ‘and vicinity’ of the product. Funded by the European Union with EUR 1.4 million under the FP7-Capacities program, Bake4Fun will have ‘lasting two years. At the end, industry partners will benefit from the protocols of production of these new functional bakery products, as well as’ the scientific basis concerning its operation. These will be essential for subsequent clinical trials to obtain indications on the properties’ beneficial products themselves, then on the labels to be affixed to the packages (health claims).
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