December 23 – There will be as many as 33 parameters “quality” that will form the Goals of Health and Operation of the services in 2014 that managers Ullss, hospitals and the ‘Veneto Cancer Institute will hit.
as laid down by the Regional Board on the proposal of the Health Coletto Luke. The resolution sets performance indicators (perfection is 80 points for the hospitals of Padua and Verona and the Veneto Institute of Oncology; 75 for Ullss) that will be the decisive factor in the definition of “report cards” of managers, The results will be evaluated by the Regional Council, the Commission, the Council and the Conference of Mayors.
“It is an act of great significance – said the President of the Region, Luca Zaia – why push our managers to focus on clear objectives, and many qualifying, all aimed the best service to the citizens and to the best use of funds. With this act, we are increasingly distant from Rome pies and getting closer to the world, where quality scientific and organizational capacities of health Venetian can be considered in the top five thanks to the strategy of not leaving anything to chance and to request account results to those who are called to reach, starting with hysteresis waiting and respect of the accounts. “
The objectives are divided into “sectors”: adherence to guidelines and guidelines for the control and programming of the organization and proper economic management of resources allocated and Amounts collected; health goals and operation of the services; Equilibrium; waiting lists; respect of the content and timing of information flows in the new health information system.
“Hitting these targets – said the Department of Health, Luke Coletto – it is not easy but nobody can escape their extreme significance in view of the new season, thanks to the battles of the Veneto region, has opened on the front of the standard cost. A region that is among the very few with active accounts with no personal income tax, which has received top marks for the provision of essential levels of assistance, and that is one of the three benchmarks for the determination of needs and SCM has a duty not to stopping to rest on their laurels and to focus even more so at best, as we do with this resolution. “
December 23, 2013
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