Nutrition and Health, 10 the good news of 2013
Sugar: too little is harmful to health
To rejuvenate the mind just a video game
Martha Buonadonna
HIV defeated by an ointment
The use of an anti-fungal topical ciclopirox on, causes the cells infected with the HIV virus to commit suicide by turning the power of the cells, the mitochondria. Unlike existing medication, Ciclopirox completely eliminate HIV infection from cell cultures and also stopping the treatment is not observed outbreaks of the virus. The novelty, as illustrated in a study published in PLOS ONE , this is it. Even the ant-retroviral drugs currently in use are very effective in keeping HIV at bay, but must be taken for life by patient and do not completely eliminate the infection. In those interrupts are witnessing the rapid recovery of the virus.
A new technique has been developed to convert the skin cells in the type of brain cells that are destroyed in patients with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and other so-called disorders of myelin. The discovery, published in Nature Biotechnology , allows the production “on demand” of myelinating cells, which provide a vital sheath of insulation that protects neurons. In patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), cerebral palsy (CP), and rare genetic disorders called leukodystrophies, the myelinating cells are destroyed and can not be replaced. Diet and physical activity against prostate cancer
Body mass index within the limits of normal weight, regular physical activity and a reduced calorie diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals grains and low in salt and red meat significantly decreases the risk of contracting a very aggressive form of prostate cancer. This is shown by a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer which then confirms the correctness of the guidelines developed by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), whose purpose is to reduce the overall risk but that are also addressed who has had cancer. In all study participants has been shown that eating less than 500 grams of red meat per week or less than 125 total kilocalories per 100 grams of food per day gave a statistically significant protection against the highly aggressive tumors. Brain in the form of video games
Maintain flexibility and speed, even as we age? And ‘possible thanks to a video game. It only takes 10 hours of practice to see ralntare, and alcni postpone cases even 7 years, the decline of a range of cognitive abilities. “It ‘s possible to stop the decline,” say the authors of the article published in PLOS ONE , “but also to restore the cognitive processing speed of the people” and doing this is literally a snap. Fight Aging
Understanding how a system is the first step to combat it. Researchers at the Institute of Sandford-Burnham Medical Research in California have identified a key factor that regulates the process of autophagy, cleaning mechanism for cells in which the waste material and cellular debris are devoured by the cells themselves to protect them from damage, and which in turn modulates the aging. The findings, published in Nature Communications could lead to development of new therapies for age-related diseases that are characterized by a malfunction of this process. From fat a cure for brain tumor
Remove from the fat cells of a patient and used to treat brain tumor? A group of researchers at Johns Hopkins published in PLOS ONE the results of a laboratory test in which they are managed in the enterprise. After the surgical removal of a glioblastoma, the most common form and more aggressive brain tumor, may remain nested in the brain tumor cells. Stem cells derived from fat mesenchimiali allow treatments to be administered directly into the brain, allowing physicians access to hard to reach areas where they can hide and proliferate cancer cells that surgery failed to remove. The extraction of stem cells from fat mesenchimiali is less invasive and less costly than that of cells from the bone marrow, the method most widely used today. Loneliness and immune system
Being alone is bad for your health. A study this year showed that loneliness is associated with a range of dysfunctions in the immune responses that suggest a link between this condition and a worse state of health. Have been observed in people with a high sun signs reactivation of latent herpes virus and an increased production of proteins related to inflammation in response to acute stress than those who claimed to have a good network of social relations. Inflammation, if it becomes chronic, is linked to many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and other. As for the reactivation of herpes, you know that it is related to stress, which suggests that loneliness can act as a chronic stressor that trigger an immune response to poorly controlled. Cocaine and AIDS
What drugs are one of the vehicles because of which it contracts the HIV virus is known, on the other hand is much less studied the impact of drugs on the defensive organism against the virus. A study by the University of California at Los Angeles found that cocaine affects a unique immune cells quiescent CD4 T, resistant to the virus that causes AIDS. The consequence is that cocaine makes them susceptible to ‘HIV infection is causing both a significant new virus production. Sugar: there is no safe dose
That did not do well we already knew, but new research casts new shadows on the consumption of sugar in amounts up to now considered safe . Just 25% increase in sugar intake in mice (the equivalent for humans of 3 cans of soft drinks per day in addition to a balanced diet) to see double the mortality in females and reduce by a quarter the capacity of breed males. say the authors of the article published in Nature Communications : “The added sugar consumed in concentrations currently considered safe exerts considerable negative effects on the health of mammals.”
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