Corruption endangers public health and the life of each of us. The figures are alarming: in 2012 5.6% of the resources invested in Europe for health care has been lost in bribes. Gruppo Abele Free and launch a new campaign, which in a few days has already registered over 45 thousand signatures. The goal is ambitious but essential: January 31, 2014 by collect half a million signatures.
Around the “World Health Organization” gravity would be worth around € 110 billion per year. Only in the years 2010-2012, in Italy have been established related crimes for over a half billion Euros. Lawlessness that result in the reduction of access to services, worsening of health indicators, in faltering confidence of citizens in relation to the National Health Service, in the non-observance of contracts of employment, in places of care and degradation of non-compliance safety, to the detriment of both patients and employees, in abuse of power, and of course, corruption. The so-called “risk factors” that affect the workings of the system are manifold: for example, we find the complexity of the human being, the same system of medicine and health care, conflicts of interest and is not intended as a condition of such behavior; instrumentation and scientific training that can be manipulated for the consumption of a niche of professionals (be they customers or users), the performance of unnecessary, the free profession.
“Since 1978 Italy has adopted a health service national who has given to all, without discrimination, care and support. This system has made us healthier, has protected us and our families and it is vital to preserve it. ” From these words of Don Luigi Ciotti, the meaning of the campaign “Health-Purpose 100%”, promoted by Gruppo Abele and Freedom and that fits within the broader framework of “Restarts the future” (http://www.riparteilfuturo. en /). The debut for this important initiative has been the occasion of the World Day against Corruption on 9 December. Throughout Italy, Libera organized collection points signatures that have been posted on the site and whose count is in constant progress.
“After collecting almost 350 thousand signatures calling for the policy to work to strengthen the standard on exchange-electoral political mafia, for now still without a result, it seemed obvious to start from the bottom.
Restart namely those levels where the commitment of everyone could make it easier to hear in order to structure a ‘action wildfire that knows how to get up so high with time.
How? Starting from the world of health, to defend it and protect it from the opacity and corruption that undermines. Ours is a battle in defense of the right to health (enshrined as a fundamental article 32 of the Constitution) and the public system that guarantees it. From today you can then sign this new petition (who also signed the first), accessing the site
Through the site you can find out how our health care companies operandosi are to comply with the anti-corruption law 190/12. We gave a score to the various companies, and we hope to grow over time, reaching 100% at January 31, 2014, the last date fixed by law. Monitor means in this case to avoid further extensions and referrals, as is often the case in Italy. Through the website you can also exercise the right / duty to know, to participate, to be monitored by accessing the notes that by law must be included. We tried to realize the responsibility and usability in a single instrument.
More generally, we want to create a great civilized community against corruption, which can not be heard and that speaks to the political level, public administrations, healthcare organizations, municipalities, regions, to participate, at the same nationality. We aim to exceed one million people by the middle of next year and we need the commitment of all. Tolstoy wrote that “if the corrupt union are their strength, we must do the same.” For us to reach those numbers mean just put together and make strong people who want an Italy honest and different. The real politics of civil society has to play their part, taking into adult form its own share of responsibility. Not waving pitchforks and threats. ” According to data updated to November 15, the most virtuous regions for transparency in the individual health companies appear to be Basilicata (76%) and Friuli Venezia Giulia (69%). Bringing up the rear Sardinia (12%), brand (14%), Calabria (15%) and Campania (19%), while the Molise region appears to be the only healthcare company that has not yet implemented – according to data reported to November 15 – any of the three operations covered by the law 190/12 and being monitored. Exceed the 50% threshold Lombardy (58%) Abruzzo (53%) and Ontario (51%), followed by Liguria (50%). “Measures for the prevention and suppression of corruption and lawlessness in public administration.” Act of 6 November 2012, in fact. What is it exactly?
“The law 190/12 is not a comprehensive law, but for the first time trace a model of prevention of corruption, albeit immature. If there is still much to be done in terms of contrast (and we have summarized all of these needs in the document “our agenda”,, we must start with the testing of the system of prevention, to strengthen it and improve it. The same law also (especially the legislative decree 33/2013 on the issues of transparency) provides for a strong role of civic citizenship in terms of monitoring. In a sense, ours is a campaign of “civil obedience” we are called by law to do our part and we want to do, building the new petition by the conditions for this to happen. For this we will monitor compliance with three specific commitments. These and others, including the various obligations that the law sets for all institutions of government, and in any case must be respected: we want to know who governs our health care companies (the organ of political leaders), who is called to ensure prevention policies (the controller), and finally know how it will (through the floor). Not only as principals of Freedom will be present all over the country to discuss with those responsible for the contents of the Anti-Corruption Plan. I also anticipate that our commitment to the defense of the right to health does not stop there: after this petition, relaunching with other proposals to the health care world and is aimed at transparency in economic matters directly related to the area.
Short , we hope that through and culture of integrity that we are spreading, we can help to rebuild the “awakening of consciences” encouraged by Don Luigi Ciotti, that on this occasion he made a video appeal for campaign. “
[Marika Demaria for "Narcomafie" in the library and membership with the special "Coats Transparent"]
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