December 13, 2013 – 16:44
Its title is “Permission Care”: This is the 12th “National Report on the policies of chronicity,” published by Active Citizenship through its Coordination of Associations of Chronic Sick (CnAMC). An analysis are some situations that weigh heavily on the care of an Italian private costs are too high, pharmaceutical care and home care provided infrequently and with poor level of service, heavy consequences in the workplace of people living with the disease, and is forced often hide their colleagues for fear of negative repercussions. So it seems that living with a rare disease or care for a relative in the family has really become a complex and too expensive.
In particular, the 84 foundations and organizations in favor of the rights of health states that patients are not able to manage working hours together with the processes of care and support, and because of that many of them have experienced a layoff or non-renewal of the contract: this applies to the 63 & of workers with the disease and 41% of those who assist a sick family member. In addition, as many as 54% say they feel too burdensome care expenses not covered by the National Health Service The sums large enough, for example, of about 9000 euro per year for the remuneration of caregivers, more or less 1600 € for all the expenses that are used to hold the course of the disease and prevent further deterioration (eg, diet, physical activity), more than a thousand Euros for visits and medical tests, medications for € 650 non-refundable. In this way, those who can not afford to give up rehabilitation, observation of the disease, not dispensable medications, prostheses, and so on.
Cittadinanzattiva survey also shows a picture in which the disbursements of health services for assistance, rehabilitation and provision of drugs are unevenly distributed and fragmented. The main problems concern the excessive length for a marketing authorization by AIFA (50%), the cost of medicines not reimbursed by the NHS in group C (44%), limitations by dell’Aziende hospital or local health authorities for budget reasons and timing of insertion of drugs in regional Handbooks differ from region to region (41%).
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