In the “analysis of individual patients “shows the number of infusions made from each patient and the disease from which he suffers, followed by a general assessment of clinical conditions, which are reported in stationary situations, or worse, in some cases, but reported improvements in subjective level by the patient or his family.
In many cases the box ‘assessment therapy’ is not compiled. In most of the cards are not reported side effects infusions were subjected to the sick, but in the most recent updates, stops at 25th of November, there were no improvements.
Vannoni: obvious lack evidence in folders. The answer to Vannoni not long in coming: “It ‘obvious – said the agency Adnkronos – that the patient records of Brescia contain no evidence of improvement. The Civil Hospital, in fact, stopped at the assessment of the safety of the therapy, which were limited to collecting the lack of side effects, being compassionate therapies and not a trial. “SHEET: THE METHOD OF STAMINA
Press Conference of the supporters of stamina in Rome. The evidence of the improvements, however, according Vannoni “will be shown tomorrow by the patients themselves or family members, who organized the conference in Rome , “says the founder of Stamina. “Parents and patients will do tomorrow – he adds – we ask the ministry for months: go from patients and verify the analysis, the data and evidence collected by doctors and structures that follow them and can prove with facts improvements.” In fact, in the capital tomorrow morning there will be a press conference – the emblematic title “Who’s afraid of the truth about Stamina?” – Parents of young patients treated with combination therapy of Vannoni to the Civil Hospital of Brescia.
do not intend to leave Italy. ‘No intention to leave Italy – clarifies Vannoni – Stamina does not go away, nor can I go I do that the president of a foundation: they are neither doctor nor a biologist, and so no matter what I go abroad to prepare cells and treating patients. There will be, in the case , doctors and biologists who will be chosen in patients. And we’ll stick to form. “” I was misinterpreted – Adnkronos Salute explains, referring to news circulating about his intention to leave – the reality is that there is a group of patients who formed a cooperative, without Stamina behind.’m looking for people who are, themselves, a solution abroad. Bunting has promised to these people that if you were to find a solution ‘ Foreign ‘- with ministerial approval, and with all the papers in order – will be free to produce cell lines for them. “
Vannoni, however, does not reveal where Stamina might find’ asylum ‘for his treatment.” negotiations are underway with 5 different countries, all interested parties. One is Cape Verde, but there are also more organized states from the point of view of health that we have requested. “
Investigation Prosecution to conclusion. The prosecutor of Turin, meanwhile, will not ask for any further extensions to the investigation into the Stamina Foundation, whose terms are about to expire. The prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello and his collaborators are oriented close to the investigation within the first few days of 2014. He expects only drug counseling.
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