Rome, December 23 (Reuters) – The National Health Service is 35 years old. The system as we know it today, and universal solidarity, was in fact established by Law 833 of 23 December 1978. The Health Minister was Tina Anselmi (Andreotti government IV). Inspired by the model of the British National Health Service, the NHS was created to give effect to Article 32 of the Italian Constitution, which enshrines the right to health of all individuals. The service acts as a public system of universal nature, typical of a welfare state, which provides health care to all citizens, funded by the State through general taxation and the direct revenue, collected by local health through health ticket and performance fee.
Prior to its creation, the health-care system was based on a number of mutual societies or friendly societies. Each institution was responsible for a particular category of workers who, with their dependents, were compulsorily affiliated to it and, in this way, benefited health insurance to provide for medical and hospital care, financed by contributions paid by the workers themselves and their employers. The right to health protection was therefore not related to being a citizen but being a worker.
In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, the health service is organized according to different levels of responsibility and government: the central level – the state has a responsibility to ensure that all citizens the right to health through a strong system of guarantees, through the essential levels of care (Lea); regional level – regional governments have direct responsibility for the implementation of government and spending to achieve the health goals of the country. The Regions have exclusive jurisdiction in the regulation and organization of services and activities for the protection of health and the criteria for the funding of local health agencies and hospitals, including in relation to management control and evaluation of the quality of health care services in accordance with the general principles laid down by the laws of the State.
The NHS is therefore a set of institutions and organs. Compose the Ministry of Health, which coordinates the national health plan, subject to the constitutionally guaranteed powers of the regions, and a number of offices and organizations at the national level: the Board of Health (CSS), the National Institute of Health (ISS ), the Institute for Prevention and Safety at Work (Ispesl) and the Agency for Regional Health Services (ASSR), institutions for hospitalization and care of a scientific nature (IRCCS); institutions Zooprophylactic experimental Agency Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), the regional health services, which in turn include the regions and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, the local health authorities (ASL) and hospital companies (Ao), through which the regions and autonomous provinces provide health care.
, in detail, some points related to the principles and objectives of the Act 833 of 1978: The National Health Service is made up of complex functions, facilities, services and activities for the promotion, maintenance and recovery of physical and mental health of the whole population without distinction of individual or social conditions and in a manner that will ensure the equality of citizens towards the service. The implementation of the NHS rests with the State, the Regions and local authorities, ensuring the participation of citizens.
The National Health Service, as part of its powers to pursue: to overcome territorial imbalances in the social and health conditions of the country, job security, responsible choices and aware of procreation and the protection of motherhood and ‘ childhood health promotion in the developmental age, and the protection of the health of the elderly, and the protection of mental health.
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