December 17 – It was presented today in Rome, during the VI National Conference on medical devices, the first edition of the Report on the expenditure recognized by the public health facilities for the NHS the purchase of medical devices (year 2012). In recent years the medical device industry in Italy has become a subject of great interest on the part of public institutions and, in particular, the Ministry of Health, with the primary objective to deepen the knowledge of data and information about the application and the ‘ selection of these technologies in our country.
The United States of America is a world leader in the production and consumption of devices. In 2011, the U.S. market was equivalent to almost 106 billion dollars (Espicom, 2012), equal to 40% of the world market, followed by Europe which holds 25% market share, Japan with 17% and the rest of world with approximately 15% (AdvaMed, 2004).
In Europe, the market for medical devices generates a turnover of around € 95 billion a year and employs over 500,000 people. 70% of the total revenue generated in Europe is in Germany, France, Britain, Italy, and Spain (Eucomed, 2011). 8% of total turnover is reinvested in research and development, equivalent to about € 7.5 billion a year and, on average, to the filing of a patent every 38 minutes (Eucomed, 2011). In Europe, the medical device industry consists of about 22,500 companies. Of these, 18,000 (approximately 80%) are small to medium and micro enterprises. The same team is apparent in the U.S. market, where 67% of firms have fewer than 20 employees (AdvaMed, 2004).
“Italy is now the only country worldwide to have information on expenditure on medical devices purchased by the NHS at this level of granularity,” he explained in his presentation Marcella Marletta ??strong>, director general of medical devices and the pharmaceutical service and safety of the care of the Ministry of Health.
The Ministry of Health has deemed it necessary to disseminate key information to an audience more wide, made certainly by all levels of government and the NHS to all the stakeholders to the knowledge of health phenomena (universities, research institutes, companies). For this reason, it was identified the following strategic goal for the year 2013: “Improvement of the system of monitoring of consumption of medical devices purchased directly from the NHS also aimed at sharing and use of information to all actors in the system.”
In order to create the first periodic report on an ongoing basis to make available data on the use of medical devices has been established a special working group. It was stressed, however, as a result of the incompleteness of the data reported, the report aims to describe without giving interpretations of the data collected.
The conference was also attended by the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin recalled that today there is a need of a “vision system” referring to his battle to avoid linear cuts to the sector. “Of course – said the Minister – we spending lower than the EU average and in recent years also the health board cuts, but remember that we also have the biggest public debt and GDP does not grow.” Just
for this and avoid traps Lorenzin further stated that in any case the system “needs to be reformed.” But to reform the system are not sufficient alone to the rules, to the Minister in fact one of the problems is the management: “You have to tell it like it is. The real problem are the managers of the NHS, or who decides. Today we have the data, and when you see the results you are able to understand how you work. ” So for Lorenzin “you have to have the strength to speak and who is wrong has to go home.”
The Minister also spoke of standard costs, making it clear that it is “a method of apportionment of funds useful but should not be ideological. “” Yesterday – he explained – I sent to the regions for the allotment National Health Fund, then the standard costs are officially operational. “Referring to purchases and prices the holder of the Department has stated that it should “focus on unique buying power.”
Lorenzin also spoke of the Italian Presidency of the EU and the risks on the horizon that should be avoided especially with respect to research. “International investors do not seem to want more invest in Europe. Corporations see the European market as a sales market and due to the excessive fragmentation of the rules flee to other countries. instead But I am convinced that research is a driving force for Europe and Italy. We retain small and medium-sized enterprises and to develop new legislation to free up resources and innovation. “
During the proceedings, he spoke also the president of Assobiomedica, Stefano Rimondi which has he also addressed the hot topic of standard costs “should not be seen as an alternative to linear cuts for further definanziare the National Health Service, but must be conceived as factors of rationalization through the Pact for Health.’s important in this the sense that the diagnostic and therapeutic pathways are not standardized and mass-but continue to take into account the specificity necessary for the individual needs of the patient and for good health. “
” We hope – said Rimondi – that Government and the Regions with the Pact for Health finally put his hand in waste and inefficiency for a Sustainable Healthcare is reorganized according to the principles of appropriateness, quality and efficiency of services. What I fear, however, is that in order to make ends meet, with Standard costs are introduced centralized purchasing arrangements that look primarily at the price, encouraging monopolies and penalizing the quality of services offered to citizens. We are ready to give all our support to any decision that goes in the direction of greater transparency and appropriateness, but if the solution becomes the centralization of purchases in order to impose to all patients the same product at the lowest price, canceling any specific need and resetting the value of innovation, it will go to the progressive crisis of the whole health system. ”
“It is important to rethink the health system in terms of sustainability and enhancement of areas such as medical devices – said Rimondi – which can act as a driving force for growth. demonstrated by the fact which exports continues to grow: in 2012 exports have in fact increased by 9.6%, compared to a contraction in demand of 5% domestic public and private life of 1%. fact, our businesses continue to invest 7.5% of their turnover in research focusing on product innovation, something that other countries appreciate and choosing to buy and invest in our products. “
17 December 2013 class=”container_mail”> © All rights reserved
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