Saturday, December 21, 2013

Having faith improves health - OCCF - News

Obama Prayer If at times less suspicion was still allowed to doubt or even forget about it, well, now we have no more excuses. If it was already clear that the spiritual influence behavior, well now it goes further. There is a strong correlation between faith and health. Or at least that is what we are trying to detect and demonstrate the many scientific studies in this field. Here we talk about a living faith, that is a profound path that allows our central organ, the brain, triggering mechanisms that influence our state of health, as he explained in a recent interview the well-known Enzo Soresi (oncologist, phthisiologist, pathologist, one of the leading experts in integrative medicine).

The doctor explains that the brain, being highly interactive, able to rework all the stimuli it receives, but the reactions it triggers depend on the type of stimuli received: a positive stimulus will result in a positive reaction brain. So its function is not limited to thinking , but includes the production of essential substances such as neurotransmitters to physical and emotional proteins. But how do you assess the desirability of a stimulus? The actions that we perform for conviction always positively affect the brain?

According Soresi, not us to determine the positivity of an action or a thing. Although we are convinced that we always act in accordance with good ideas and good, the brain elaborates the stimuli that we send in a pattern independent of our will. In fact, the scientist says: “ideology on a biological level can also be inhibitory, when that does not allow openings instead result in a biological response,” instead with regard to faith says: “can be an important route because there hooking me and makes me towed in a moment of difficulty [...] when it is clearly a true path.” In addition, the doctor gives a brief example from a book in which he explains how the brain, because of its formation process and the stimuli received, may react differently in the face of life-threatening diseases or at least serious. To do this describes two cases of patients suffering from tumors, which react differently to a tragic event as the tumor.

So the question arises: faith can also provide support to the brain to cope with such events? Certainly, and proves in the case of a Spanish woman, Immaculate Cobos . An exemplary story of a girl who are diagnosed severe rheumatism in only two years of age, which will grow with many other and more serious diseases, but by faith, as she tells some Spanish newspapers online has always had the strength to go forward, overcoming these moments. This woman has had a faith strong enough to allow it to get to realize his dream of a marriage, from which they were born five children! The woman called her children: “five gifts of God.” In front of this phenomenal life witness collapse all the objections that secularist in the world today are fighting to legalize euthanasia, and confirm the research showing a relationship between faith and health.

today are very numerous scientific studies that aim to demonstrate the influence of faith on physical health, so much so that even in a search sponsored by Stanford University talking about “clear recent empirical evidence.” For an overview of the most important studies can be found on our this file which brings them in chronological order with an attached brief explanation and links.

David Hats

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