Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Close on electronic cigarettes, stop in schools -

Into Towards a grasp on electronic cigarettes: the Board of Medicine ‘proposes to prohibit the use in schools, to regulate the advertising’, when very strong, and that refills have the safety cap childproof. And experts also point to the opportunity ‘to recommend that cigarettes are not used in pregnant or lactating.

But for now it is only an indication, albeit authoritative, which will become’ standard only if the government were to decide to adopt the measures proposed by its highest advisory body health. The experts of the ministry have also benefited from the contribution of Medicines and representatives of industries. Consider also the reasons for choosing French to Stop use in public places.

For now, experts believe that there is no knowledge to retract the electronic cigarettes for the medicinal” for” function. The experts recommended to the Ministry to set up a permanent table where to channel the different data sources and observers,” design information initiatives on the potential dangers associated with the use of these tools and promote activities’ of research and study on the various aspects of the problem ”. In addition, the Council recommended to maintain the ban on sales to minors under 18 years of e-cig with the presence of nicotine and some requirements on the labels with precise information to be provided to the citizen. Not to forget the control and monitoring of possible overdose on nicotine. The Council and ‘reserved the right to revisit the issue as soon as it becomes available at the national and international major new elements. Also spoke Codacons:” if a product and ‘dangerous for your health, ̵ 1; says Carlo Rienzi – it makes no sense to prohibit their use solely in a single environment as seems to have decided the CSS”. According to Codacons then the ban on electronic cigarettes must necessarily be extended to all public places.

” Now the Minister intervenes Lorenzin with a rule protecting – the Moige prices rise – and there seems to be an important step towards awareness that children need to be protected even from the electronic cigarette, which is worth a full equality to traditional cigarette.”

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