Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Health: the E-Cig against obesity ', alcoholism and diabetes - Reuters Press Agency

(ASCA) – Rome, June 4 – A plate of lasagna, a delicious chocolate cake, a blonde rough flavor and firm, a glass of Cognac or Whisky. Temptations taboo ‘for the obese, smokers, alcoholics and delicious, with a few extra pounds and beyond. Prohibited by nutritionists, diabetologists and specialists will now be at your mouth”” without any harm to our body. How? And ‘the Copernican revolution of the researcher Roman, Monica Lentini, who has developed a great news’ science that will allow’ anyone to enjoy without consequences, everything ‘that today can’ make you fat, drunk, sick and harm the health .

Months of research scholars, in which the pharmacist-preparer Galen, improved palatability ‘of the components that make up the liquid of electronic cigarettes and made them appealing and pleasing, being able to play any taste. The researcher has decided to make available to the community ‘this sensational invention, while jealously guarding the formulas that will make it feasible, but that will soon be available on the consumer market. The intuition of Dr. Lentini is based on the principle that the E-CIG, may convey not only tobacco, nicotine but also the active ingredients, supplements or found to improve the health of millions of citizens or any kind of food or drink that enlighten the palate and senses. And all this how? Breathing taste with a simple svapata.

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