Monday, June 3, 2013

Eternit asbestos coordination, judgment strongly positive -

(ANSA) – Rome, June 3 -” Once again the strong presence and participation of workers, citizens and solidarity associations that are fighting for over thirty years against asbestos has contributed to a new victory: the confirmation of the sentence of Schmidheiny.” And ‘the comment of the associations that are part of the National Coordination Asbestos (IAEA Onlus, Medicine Democratic Struggle Movement for Health, Committee for the Defence of health in the workplace and in the territory, AVANI, COPAL, CAOVA Comité d’aide et d’orientation des victimes de l’amiante (Suisse), Ban Asbestos France, ABEVA Brussels, Centro Studi di Torino Sereno Regis.) Into The coordination of the associati ons strongly consider this judgment” positive” because not only confirms the sentence but were kept most of the damages and compensation also enjoyed the various inhabitants of the municipalities concerned with asbestos exposure, without having contracted diseases derived from it, and victims’ associations have been recognized as a civil party in the process : Afeva, IAEA and Democratic Medicine. The national and international associations gathered also reiterated by September to organize a national demonstration in front of Parliament to support the financing of the National Asbestos, to launch a petition to the European level for the final disposal of asbestos from all countries and to pursue the leaders of the international catastrophe produced purely for profit. The associations then ask at the European level is acquired the best legislation in place asbestos and exceeded the conflict of interest of the insurance institutes have the task of ascertaining occupational diseases and indenizzarle. Finally claimed the abolition of the statute of limitations regarding accidents at work and occupational diseases. (ANSA).

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