Monday, June 3, 2013

Health: marijuana protects against cognitive impairment - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

16:13 June 3, 2013 Into (AGI) – Washington, June 3 – According to a study of Tel Aviv University, marijuana may have properties’ neuroprotective. Scientists have found that, at very low doses, a psychoactive component of this substance may protect the brain before and after an injury. In particular, the Thc protects the brain from cognitive impairment in the long term as a result of injury from hypoxia (lack of oxygen), convulsions, or toxic drugs. Previous studies had focused on high doses of THC injected in a short amount of time, approximately 30 minutes before or after the injury. The new research, published in the journal Behavioural Brain Research and E xperimental Brain Research, shows that even very low doses of THC, from one thousand to 10 thousand times less than that of a traditional cigarette of marijuana, administered in a wide window of time, from 1-7 days before or 1 to 3 days after injury, can trigger biochemical processes that protect the cells of the brain and preserve cognitive functions over time.

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