Saturday, November 30, 2013

Health: created tongue piercing that 'guide' wheelchair -

A piercing that allows you to drive the movements of his wheelchair, thanks to the movement of a small magnet on the language detected by the sensor and converted into commands.

The system ‘was designed by a team of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and potra’ be applied to a wide range of devices controlled by the pulses of the language.

The project ‘was featured on’ Science Translational Medicine ‘and a piercing tip on the size of a lentil that produces a magnetic field that varies in response to the movements of the tongue.

The system ‘was tested on a group of 23 people without disabilities and 11 with quadriplegia, six different positions of the tongue have been programmed to induce six different controls in a wheelchair, such as touching his left cheek to turn the chair to the left.

The results were very promising and hope and ‘create a different command for each tooth, and using combinations of positions of the tongue to develop a potentially unlimited number of instructions that may help individuals suffering from paralysis to write and use mobile phones, computers and televisions.

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