Friday, November 15, 2013

Ilva, 'annoyingly' stubborn in believing that health and work not ... - The Daily

Into That the problem of Taranto Ilva and had the choice between health and work , Fiom has never believed. For this we assume by now a fact: we are annoyingly stubborn and we constantly “bothered” to local and national institutions because the environmental sustainability of steel production can not in any way to be left alone to relationship between the company and unions.

Into So we carried on with obstinacy, both against those who fought for the closure of Ilva, both against those who fought for the production at all costs – from trade unions that have even participated and joined the strike organized by the property against the judiciary – our battle to keep production activities through a process of environmental compliance and remediation , without falling into the trap of those who put in opposition to health and production.

Into Even so close Ilva does not guarantee the reclamation of the territory. As demonstrated by the story of the other Italsider, that of Bagnoli. E ‘in April, the news of the 21 suspects – including public and private managers and two deputy mayors – for environmental disaster, false, mixing of industrial waste, and aiding and abetting fraud against the State. Yeah because the interventions for the safety of the area, 107 million euro spent, according to the investigators would be made “only virtually.”

Into It ‘clear that the challenge of maintaining the production and protecting the health, to be won, needed and needs a active involvement of local and national institutions . From here the constant stress, phone calls and meeting requests that came to the region Puglia and Palazzo Chigi, so that we could acquire a stringent legislation in terms of environmental protection.

Into Thanks to these stresses, were born advanced measures such as the law on dioxin, the upgrading of the Harp, the need for continuous monitoring of harmful emissions that were entrusted to entities other than the company, epidemiological research on population – from the employees in direct contact with the issues – and the strengthening of health facilities. The investigation of the judiciary of Taranto and Milan have also brought to light a system of corruption that has allowed the Bank to circumvent these measures.

At the inquest Into the prosecution of Taranto, metalworkers CGIL have contributed their testimonies, in particular on the role of trustees. And before that, Massimiliano Del Vecchio (now in charge of the council’s legal Fiom national health and safety), a lawyer Fiom of Taranto has promoted dozens of causes which highlighted the relationship between occupational diseases, cancer and deaths of workers Ilva and industries, thus certifying the causality between emissions and disease. All procedures that were used by the prosecutor in Taranto for the maxi process: the one already in progress that produced the indictments of executives Italsider the opening of the plant to privatization, and managers of Ilva. Fiom, the only trade union organization, have made this choice, it is a civil party in the process.

Into It ‘s true, we are a thorn in the side and maybe even “most concerned”, but we continue to believe that you can download on the workers and the population of Taranto the choice between work and health. Lack of investment in order to reclaim the production, the circumvention of the laws are the responsibility of the mismanagement of the company by the Riva family . It ‘task of the institutions to ensure that the profits of the property to be taken and used for a real recovery and to ensure that Italy does not lose an important piece of its industry.

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