Sunday, February 9, 2014

Unnecessary medications, treatments and bogus ... Here is all the lies about health -

For health and beauty you are willing to believe anything , also with a lotion that you can regrow your hair or with shark cartilage, the poisonous sting of the scorpion, or even with the almonds, you heal from cancer. The same applies to homeopathy, acupuncture, baking Simoncini, serum of Bonifacio or stem Vannoni. Against fraud in pharmacy, health and unnecessary illusions of alternative medicine, demonstrated here by whom the complaint for years, the only antidote is the information: to protect ourselves and scientific progress, to the service of man and not the interests of pharmaceutical companies and speculators.

E ‘is the theme deli book “Health and Lies – How to defend yourself from unnecessary drugs, bogus cures and quack” Salvo Di Grazia. Grace is a surgeon: in addition to collaborating with and popular science journals, founded the blog “MedBunker” visitatissimo observatory on medicine, science and health quacks.

Health & Lies Of Grace


Everything about health is worthy of our attention and this has always been the subject of interest of any kind, especially economic: there are many who speculate by taking advantage of our good faith and our ignorance. Sometimes in our desperation. Lulled by promises of success is the wet dream of anyone who is struggling with an illness, those chasing a beauty that does not have or those who delude themselves to postpone indefinitely its end. The bookstore shelves are filled with titles like Heal yourself, the power of the mind or the cure for all diseases; volumes by high-sounding names that tell how you can heal the most serious evils by means of simple, inexpensive and available to everyone. Those, however, are the novels: it is not medicine nor reality, only fantasy.

On the web, then, you will find everything from potions to lose weight rings for immortality , to the pills of eternal youth. We just have one chance to make our way in this jungle and understand what is best for our health and what to avoid: knowledge. Do not worry, you do not need to study for years voluminous texts of physiology or anatomy usually enough common sense, a few notions (which I’ll try to remember) and a dose of spirit of observation. The charlatans pseudomedicina adopt identical scripts, all act the same way and always want to get only one result: to earn. And it is the financial side of the most underrated and little known about “alternative medicine.”

If there was behind a huge round of money , can not be explained nor the facilities that the alleged “gurus” put up, nor the hatred and threats that allocate to those who, with scientific arguments, why not be reliable. To say that the cancer cure in 99 percent of cases with a herbal tea is very soothing and more popular to speak of a stretched 50 percent cure with chemotherapy or surgery. All we would like to be reassured, especially when it comes to serious health problems, no matter whether the soothing words come from a doctor or a charlatan by a scientist or a healer. But if a treatment does not work and continues to be sold as effective, there is no other way to define it if it does not end with a unequivocal scam.

it possible that so many people believe in ineffective treatment? Yes, and the main reason is only one: the misinformation. For many people know what is actually homeopathy might be a shock to know that acupuncture is an ancient practice thousands of years and could bring down absolute certainties. It is not so obvious, in fact, that people know what you’re talking about: both practices are a mixture of superstition, pseudoscience and dogmatic faith, enriched with anecdotes and true legends that make them more attractive. No proof, no proven beneficial effect, those who studied them know that you care is ineffective. In this book, we will do so a trip in bad medicine, that which deceives, deception, promises to cure when you can not do it. We will know the practices with the most incredible, some clearly unreliable, others apparently effective. The aim is to learn to keep my eyes open when it comes to health, too precious a commodity to be sold to the hands of charlatans and scammers. You remain free to heal as you want, and even does not care, but true freedom is the information: knowing what we propose to be conscious of what we do. I will try to inform you, to let you decide whether to rely on the scientific method or the improvisations, care or try to illusions never proven. This will be the first step to getting better.

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