Friday, February 21, 2014

Too much salt is bad for your health: it takes about 5 grams per day - CesenaToday

Too much salt is bad for your health: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the daily consumption should not exceed 5 grams (the equivalent of a teaspoon). In fact, without thinking, eating every day they take doses that are far superior to the normal requirements: the average consumption in the Emilia Romagna region is equal to 10 grams per day for men and 8 for women.

If you change your habits – you know – it is very difficult, a solution to the problem would be to reduce the salt content in foods at the time of production, starting with those whose consumption is more widespread: the bread in the first place . With this goal in Cesena also the regional campaign “Bread less salt. More health with less salt “on Wednesday to Savignano Rubicon (via F.lli Bandiera 15) will be held the first training course organized by the operative Food Hygiene and Nutrition, Department of Public Health of Cesena, in collaboration with the Province of Forlì-Cesena and associations of bakers, and addressed to the bakers and food operators to ensure that, by sharing the objectives of the campaign are committed to making bread with less salt and to promote the purchase.

“The excessive consumption of salt is a silent enemy that, along with poor nutrition, overweight and lack of physical activity, is at the origin of cardiovascular disease and hypertension, which, according to the data of ‘ WHO, can be traced back more than 60% of cases of stroke and about 50% of cases of ischemic heart disease – says Dr. Marina Fridel, director of the Department of Food Hygiene and Nutrition in Cesena. Reducing salt falls in regional policies to promote healthy lifestyles. We have chosen to focus mainly on bread because it contains less salt than food, such as, for example, cheeses or meats, but is consumed on a daily basis and for this reason the results over time can be more significant. “

The project was born in 2009 at national level by a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Health and bakery associations within the ministerial program ‘Gaining health, make healthy choices easier’. “In April of 2013 – says Dr. Fridel – the region has promoted an agreement with the associations of bakers Emilia Romagna with two objectives: to produce a bread with a salt content reduced by 15% compared to that commonly used in trade promote the product ‘Quality Controlled’, or a loaf of bread with a little salt and also produced under organic and sustainable. Since the inception of the few bakers have agreed to reduce salt in all kinds of bread, others have chosen to experience it on only a few types, such as common bread. The difference in salt, however, is not perceived, the taste does not change.

“In order to implement the agreement in the region are provided training courses for operators in the sector, in our country the first meeting is scheduled in Savignano – continues Dr. Fridel -. We discuss the importance of reducing salt in bread, but also issues related to food safety, and in this way the course is valuable to the professional development dell’alimentarista. “

At the end of the course bakers can choose whether or not to join the campaign, pledging to produce bread with less salt and to promote the purchase, not by increasing the selling price. The bakeries joining the project will be easily recognizable, exhibiting a fact in his shop window sticker with the logo and the campaign slogan ‘Bread less salt. More health with less salt ‘, along with the smiling heart logo’ Gaining Health ‘.

The campaign is aimed also to the consumer so that, thanks to the decals and informative, you can choose what kind of bread to buy to have a reduced intake of salt, and then follow a healthy diet. “The strength of this project – he concludes Dr. Fridel – will bring forward in time a detailed work and concrete throughout, starting with the bread to get to reduce salt in any diet.”

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