Thursday, February 6, 2014

Health and Lies, a book to learn about the care bogus - (Blog)

called “Health and Lies. How to defend yourself from unnecessary drugs, bogus cures and quack “ and the result is printed on paper, years of information that the author, Salvo Di Grazia , publishes daily years on his blog MedBunker and in the pages of The Daily .

The book, published by Chiarelettere , is a collection of experiences that Di Grazia, a surgeon, he encountered during his career. Cures and Remedies unusual, sometimes fake, sometimes dangerous that people are used to follow when, sick and in despair, no longer know where to turn and want to achieve at all costs their well-being.
“For the health and the beauty you are willing to believe anything, even that is possible with a lotion to regrow hair or with shark cartilage, the poisonous sting of a scorpion, or even with the almonds, you heal from cancer. The same applies to homeopathy, acupuncture, baking Simoncini, serum of Bonifacio or stem Vannoni “, the author writes in the introduction of his book. Bringing numerous examples of these varied forms of alternative medicine.

purpose ? To show that “the only antidote” to any disorder or disease is first and foremost the ‘ information : “to protect ourselves and scientific progress, to the service of man and not the interests of pharmaceutical companies and speculators “.
miraculous diets, drugs pushed by pharmaceutical companies, medical terrorism, but also remedies such as homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal cancer cure: everything is put under the magnifying glass ‘enlargement dr. Grace to show how many times the fear and unconscious patients may become an instrument of many charlatans.

Salvo Di Grazia
“Health and Lies. How to defend yourself from unnecessary drugs, bogus cures and quack “
Chiarelettere Publisher, Reverse Necklace
256 pages, € 13.60

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