Sunday, February 9, 2014

'Health and lies', we are victims of misinformation or pills? - The Daily

We are in the information age but it is also reported by several reports, the latest OECD on the culture of the Europeans, the Italians remain a people basically uneducated. If a century ago ignorance stemmed from the lack of information, today the cause is often the opposite: the excess of information. The media (which are now to be included in the Internet) make a great effort to separate the correct information from the wrong one (not always in good faith), in distinguishing reality from buffaloes and are often forced themselves to exaggerate or enhance a news insignificant for attract attention, because many live media contacts rather than credibility, spread with tremendous lightness and superficiality so that information can become real traps for fools, because amidst all this there are just readers.

But if nonsense is not very important in terms of leisure or when you talk about sports, talking about health can become a danger and spread by word of mouth in no time. For the same reason, when someone tries to explain the point of view of science on a theme of health, it is immediately ready ear to listen or thanks for the explanations but often distrust and disinterest. Perhaps because science must know how to tell, perhaps because to attract the interest of the citizen must show its charm and beauty, often the scientist knows nothing of communication, in short, there is no definitive answer. Yet culture is wealth, and wisdom to know is to know that our children will live in a world of consciousness is a wish that clashes with the fear of a generation brought up among superstitions, beliefs, lies. A return to the Middle Ages would not be an achievement but a defeat for everyone.

When I explained this in its pages in a homeopathic granules (from 12CH) is just sugar (no one can deny this statement, which is not mine but it is “obvious” and is based on laws Physical consolidated) has sparked pandemonium and even a society of doctors said indignantly, except refuse to show me where I wrong. When, again in these pages, told the origin of the legend that the vaccines as a cause of autism (legend dies hard), elicited uncontrolled reactions, hysterical. Yet over the angry reactions nobody ever, in these as in other matters, led data, evidence, numbers that disprove what I wrote (and which, I repeat, I have not “invented” but I have the results studies and commitment of hundreds of scholars, the fathers of our culture, one that allows us to live), it was in fact a kind of “holy war,” a clash of principle, a kind of faith, and this, you know, is unwavering, even in front of more accurate data and objective.

For these and other

tell lies about health, I write on the internet for some time, but now all of my work (which lasts for five years) ends up in a book. It’s called “Health and Lies” and is published by Chiarelettere. I’m talking about false medicine, pseudoscience , the most common story fraud on the internet as a pharmacy. It is surprising that there are healers who claim to cure cancer with baking soda or with the power of the mind, can make horrified that there are people who believe in gurus who make impossible promises, but perhaps even more curious to reflect that in pharmacy are useless products from supplements, vitamins, weight loss and the baldness.

We are dependent on the “pills”? No, we are in fact victims of advertising , whether it comes from a serious pharmaceutical company, is coming from a dark charlatan who lives in the depths of the web, on the one hand and the serious company official that there makes you believe you can lose weight at night with a tablet, on the other hand the unscrupulous charlatan who whispers to the unfortunate turn that he has found the cure for all diseases, but amazing, even in public hospitals are pseudocure secret and not try, as evidenced by the recent case Stamina .

Tale also biggest mistakes of Medicine, as the thalidomide case that involved the whole of Europe, including Italy or what happened in Tuskegee. Finally, a long list of charlatans (all, without exception) say they have found the sure cure for cancer, heal hundreds of people and they do not want money, in fact, say they do not want money, but then if you take them willingly and with interests. The curious story of one of these healers, after a lifetime of extract money to the sick advising his method and urging them not to go to the hospital, when it was his time (the woman became ill with cancer), immediately ran to the hospital without thinking any way to treat themselves with the method that had sold for years as “complete cure for cancer,” but it was too late, the disease was advanced. Its machinery (fake) for the diagnosis of cancer had not diagnosed at all. Incoherent and stupid, but as long as you play with your own skin might as well be fine, the problem is when you believe the next to have special powers that allow a stranger to take care of the world. This and other stories in my first book, “Health and Lies.” I wonder if explaining quackery, from whatever side it comes, gradually in Italy does not come to a new awareness, because as I say in the book, the true freedom of choice and care is only conscious, aware and informed public, it is the health of all us, otherwise it means to live in the cage of superstition, which means playing Russian roulette with our lives.

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