Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sochi 2014 Brew Dog: beer of protest to the health of Putin - The Daily

So many were the protests that during this winter have pointed the finger at the Russia and particularly against its president, Vladimir Putin . The laws against gay have caused outrage in much of the world: documentaries, articles, debates and campaigns “anti- 2014 Sochi ” have been on the agenda in recent months. Impossible not to have heard the words “Russia”, “Putin” and “Sochi” without the words “gay,” “homosexual” and “rights.”

Despite attempts to defuse the controversy by the “Tsar” Vladimir with acts of great media impact, such as the release of the activists Greenpaece and Pussy Riot , the situation has not changed much, and many accuse Putin of being the leader of an anti-democratic, where the freedom of the individual is constantly in danger. For many activists Sochi 2014 as the manna from heaven, what better stage to protest against Vlad

On the Internet you could find all sorts of campaign against Winter Olympic Games , the mere accusation of the individual who asked the media to NGOs and governments boycott . In the days before the opening ceremony documentaries on the wrong organization, corruption and speculation of the 2014 Sochi Games were very popular on the web and television channels across the Channel.

protests have subsided and now tend to make fun of the Olympics, to ridicolizzarne the organization. Thousands of photo have been shared on social networks by athletes and press officers on the errors of design of structures: the most famous, perhaps, is that of the now famous bathroom with two water next to each other.

In Uk, the most creative and funny protest was won hands down by a brewery, Brew Dog . Popular Scottish brewery founded in 2007 and has become in recent years one of the most respected brewers in the UK, Brew Dog has created a special beer dedicated to Putin.

“Hello, my name is Vladimir” is an IPA of 8.2% of alcohol by volume and is permettetemelo to say, really very good (like all their other beers and who has tried can confirm). The bottle has a label with an image of the Tsar-style Pop Art and a description of the beer rather peculiar: “Hello, my name is Vladimir. I’m at 100% hetero and I will pass laws to prove it. “” Drink Me and I will give you the energy, ignorance and dogmatism need to kill a deer (shirtless) and to pass discriminatory laws reported internationally (Shirtless optional) before you’ve eaten caviar for breakfast. “

IPA, launched February 4, will be available throughout the duration of the Olympic Games and half of the proceeds, as specified on the site of the brewery will be donated to charity to non-governmental organizations fighting against all forms of discrimination in the world.

This special celebratory beer (not the first in the short history of the brewery), which is obviously also one publicity stunt , was greeted with much amusement and approval by British consumers.

How will Putin react? We will never know but we are certain of one thing: he will have the pleasure of tasting this delicious beer. Brew Dog in fact has decided to send a case of “ Hello, my name is Vladimir ” to the Kremlin. “We have not received any response from Putin,” said founder James Watt. A real shame.

protests, the problems of the opening ceremony and – so far – not brilliant performance of the Russian team at the games must surely have stressed stressed the Tsar. Relax and beviti a “ Hello, my name is Vladimir “. Za zdarov’ye Vlad

Cristian bags

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