Sunday, July 21, 2013

How is health in the Italian university? Ideas and insights -

21-07 – 2013Francesco De Palo  How is health in the Italian university? Ideas and insights

How healthy is the ‘University Italian? from the proposal of the” 3 +2 “the minister Moratti, through the Gelmini reform challenged by the growing number of locations (equal to those critical of the judicial offices for follow-up costs) and the mode of expenditure of funds.

Here’s an analysis of the structural deficiencies of the system of universities, with technical surveys of university professors: former Senator of the PDL Joseph Valditara , owner at ‘ University of Turin Professor of Private Law and Roman Law Roman public and prof. Stelio Campanale , professor of international trade at LUM of Bari

The Abc

Into Eliminate the legal value of the qualification, allowing entry into the faculty a year before students, liberalizing curricula, reduce vocational education in four years on these four points, the vast majority of commentators, converges. But specifically?

The first steps of the Minister Coach

Into “The current Minister Coach – reflects Valditara – was among those who had supported the reform Gelmini, sharing the general lines. Which is why I think the first move of the positive charge of the Ministry of Education to bring to 50% the recovery of the amounts resulting from the turnover. It must be said that it was already planned for 2015, with the return in 2016 to 100%. It would be important, in this sense, advanced by one year the recovery of the entire 100%. ” The goal then according to former senator Lombard is to improve the application itself of the Gelmini reform, making it increasingly meritocratic distribution of resources to the universities, or on the basis of the actual results achieved by the individual universities.


Into “We must have the courage to set up a budget to invest in substantial research and competitiveness, unlike the country would not have objective possibility of growth. I think we should liberalize the legal status of university teachers, with some domestic constraints: they are then universities to determine this, because if we want to give more resources to the universities protagonists of quality results, then it should be possible to allow the two universities to model the legal status based on their own needs. ” It also does not make sense to apply the ‘ Imu and the’ IRAP to universities, emphasizes Valditara, as they are mere “matches around that for the budgets of the University weigh very much” .

an Indispensable ‘autonomy in the procedures , he adds, because on the basis of regulatory restraints, you create blockages that prevent universities to be streamlined and therefore competitive. “I think the constraints on the cost of missions: people feel that teachers who go around congress for foreign service providers of crafty or drifters. It is exactly the opposite, because that profession lives of contacts, fruitful dialogue and international connections. Moreover, the Fund for the merit that I really wanted in the Gelmini reform must surely be replenished, since it is necessary to pay more teachers best, be able to get the best results. “


Into A speech of a more general then dictates that you “eliminate the absurd rule that assigns a score to students who have passed the final examinations for the purpose of university. First of all, I think the system of final exams as it is today costs too much and it serves no purpose. The only criterion I think it is an objective test and equal to the national level, which measures students’ skills, corrected by machines and not by men: this would avoid discrimination between schools, cities and regions. ” The “bizarre” in force today, therefore, could only damage the individual student. “I am of the opinion that the student has to enter as early as within the University, now the majority of countries is oriented over the twelve years of the overall curriculum, so it is unclear why Italy must be willing to stand still at all costs to thirteen years. The others get excellent results, while we do not spicchiamo for equal brilliance.  220;

Vocational training and non-state schools

Into It should take the model of the dual-channel, with 4 years of training, and the development of a system of higher vocational education parallel to the university, on the German model.

Into It would be important to allow freedom of curricula, Valditara concludes, in order to develop a healthy competition between system statatele state. With a series of checks on learning outcomes.

Constraint purpose for loans

Into And what happens in the private sector? According to prof. Stelio Campanale, professor of international trade at the LUM of Bari, it would require a “bond of purpose” about funding. Or use them as well as in private universities do to improve the services of the students and not letting the availability of discretion. Another reform that should be put in the yard, is about “redistribution of universities”, since such a large number of locations results in a multiplier of costs for educational materials, infrastructure and staff salaries. “It ‘s like when in a region such as Apulia there are questions about the usefulness of actual four airports: a blunder, since they have to take the equivalent of four operational terminals, four systems security and so on.”

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